

Single Gene Changes Sex Orientation of Fruit Flies (単一の遺伝子がミバエの生本能を転換)


 【概要】オーストリアの研究者たちが6月3日発行のCell 誌に、オスのミバエがメスに対して示す複雑な求愛の動作を、ただ一つの遺伝子の操作によってメスに起こさせ得たことを発表した。これは、人間の本能的な振舞いの理解への重要な一歩となるかも知れない。

Barry Dickson and colleagues at the Institute of Molecular Biotechnology in Vienna, Austria, published a pair of papers in the 3 June issue of Cellto report on a first elegant demonstration that a single gene can serve as a switch for complex behavior [1, 2].

Miller [2] writes, "The male fruit fly is a winged Casanova. He pursues lady flies with a repertoire of song, dance, and well-placed licks that many find impossible to resist." Female flies altered by the Austrian scientists to use a gene called fruitless (fru) to make proteins normally made by males pursued a waiting virgin female, showing all the components of that repertoire.

This could be an important step toward understanding instinctive human behavior.

  1. E. Rosenthal, For Fruit Flies, Gene Shift Tilts Sex Orientation, New York Times (June 3, 2005).
  2. G. Miller, Spliced Gene Determines Objects of Flies' Desire, Science Vol. 308, p. 1392 (2005).
[The above English text is also given at the "IDEA & ISAAC: Femto-Essays" site.]


Y 06/11/2005

Ted 06/12/2005

テディ 06/12/2005

Y 06/12/2005