

水生植物公園 1 (Garden of Aquatic Plants -1-)

 先週金沢への旅行をする前に、妻と私はテレビで「草津市立水生植物公園みずの森」[1] のニュースを見た。それで、金沢からの帰途、草津で途中下車し、そこを訪れた。その公園は琵琶湖岸の烏丸(からすま)半島にあり、三方を湖に囲まれている。



  1. ウェブサイト "草津市立水生植物公園みずの森."

Before going on a trip to Kanazawa last week, my wife and I saw a piece of news about the Garden of Aquatic Plants, Kusatsu [1] on TV. On our way home from Kanazawa, therefore, we stopped over at Kusatsu to visit that garden. The garden is located at the Karasuma Peninsula in the Lake Biwa, and surrounded by the lake in three directions.

On a side of the garden there is a clump area of lotuses (see the photo posted previously). In "Lotus House" (with an atrium) of the garden, we can see many kinds of lotus and water lily as well as other aquatic and tropical plants. The above photo shows one of novel kinds of water lily there. Its name is "King of Siam."


  1. Web site "Garden of Aquatic Plants, Kusatsu" (in Japanese).

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