

竹田城跡と立雲峡へのバス旅行2 (Bus Trip to the Ruins of Takeda Castle and Ritsu-unkyo 2)

Bird's-eye view of Takeda area. Black arrows on brown routes show the way we took to climb up to the ruins of Takeda Castle -- lower left -- and to Ritsu-unkyo -- upper right --; to come down, we took the same way in the reverse direction. (The map has been quoted from the leaflet "The Ruins of Takeda Castle & Ritsu-unkyo" published by Asago City. Clicking on the image, you can see the enlarged version.)

Cherry blossoms on the ruin of "honmaru" (本丸, main part of the castle).

View of the ruins of the castle from "kitasenjo" (北千畳, northern wide area). At the highest place on the right, there was "tenshu" (天守, central tower).

 竹田城は、南北約400メートル、東西約100メートルの縄張りが、虎が臥せているように見えることから、虎臥城(とらふすじょう、こがじょう)の別名がある。また、城下から遥か高く見上げる古城山(虎臥山、353.7メートル)の頂に位置し、しばしば円山川の川霧によって霞むことから、天空の城の異名をもつ。雲海に浮かび上がる古城の累々たる石垣群の威容は、名物ともなっている。国の史跡に指定されている。築城は1431年(永享3年)、完成は1441–43年(嘉吉年間)と伝えられる。石垣には織田信長がしばしば採用した穴太流石積みの技法(野面積み技法)が用いられている。廃城は1600年(慶長5年)。([1] を参考にした。)(続く)

Takeda Castle was built on the top of Mt. Kojo (also called Torafusu, meaning "lying tiger, 353.7 m). The castle are often seen as if it were floating above clouds because of the mist from Maruyama River, so that it also has the name "Tenkū-no-shiro" (Castle in the Sky). The ruins are the registered National Historic Site of Japan. The construction was begun in 1431 and completed between 1441–43. The massive stone walls were made by the method named Anou style, which was also used to construct the walls of Himeji Castle, one of the first Japanese World Heritage Sites. The buildings of the castle were destroyed in 1600. (Translated and adapted from [1]) (To be continued.)


  1. 「竹田城」, フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 [2010年2月9日 (火) 13:27 ].

2 件のコメント:

  1. The castle is already beautiful as seen in the pictures, but seeing it floating above the clouds must be fascinating!

  2. On the Internet there are some photos of the castle seen above the mist. One example is this: http://www.tomorrowearth.com/cat/2008/08/.
