

竹田城跡と立雲峡へのバス旅行6 (Bus Trip to the Ruins of Takeda Castle and Ritsu-unkyo 6)

Ryujin Fall of Ritsu-unkyo. "Ryujin" means Dragon God but the fall is not so big as supposed from the name.

立雲峡の一部の眺め。立雲峡は朝来山(756 m)の中腹にあり、サクラの木の種類が多く、長期にわたって開花を楽しめる。ただし、この写真の白い花は、サクラでなく、ハクモクレン。
View of part of Ritsu-unkyo. Ritsu-unkyo is at the breast of Mt. Asago (756 m) and there are many kinds of cherry trees, so that blooming can be enjoyed for many days. White blossoms in this photo are, however, not cherry blossoms but Yulan magnolia (botanical name Magnolia heptapeta).

A small mountain near Mt. Asago. It shows bright colors of cherry blossoms here and there from the foot to the middle slope. There is the Japanese expression "The mountain laughs" to depict such spring scenery.


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