

春の花々22 (Flowers of Spring 22)

 ハナミズキ(花水木、別名アメリカヤマボウシ、ミズキ科ミズキ属ヤマボウシ亜属)。「近年人気の、白や紅色の花弁状の四枚は葉の変形で、総苞片(そうほうへん)と呼ぶ。中央の球状の小塊が花 。[1]」 私が最も好む「花」の一つ。写真は2010年4月11日、わが家の庭で。

Flowering Dogwood (botanical name Cornus florida). 'Around 20 flowers are produced in a dense, rounded, umbel-shaped inflorescence, or flower-head, 1–2 cm in diameter. The flower-head is surrounded by four conspicuous large white, pink or red "petals" (actually bracts), each bract 3 cm long and 2.5 cm broad, rounded, and often with a distinct notch at the apex [2].' This is one of my most favorite kinds of "flower." The photo was taken in our yard on April 11, 2010.


  1. 湯浅浩史・文, 矢野勇・写真, 愛蔵版・花おりおり (朝日新聞社, 2002).

  2. "Cornus florida," Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (17 April 2010 at 15:27).


Notice: Next post will be made on Sunday, April 25.

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