

東京で (In Tokyo)

 4月2日から5日まで東京へ。2日には大連嶺前小学校関東在住者同期会(於・新宿、参加者11名、内女性4名)、4日には金沢菫台高校関東在住者同期会(於・四谷、参加者12名、内女性2名)があり、3日12時からは高校先輩 T. U. 氏と、同日3時からは大学時代からの友人 M. Y. 君と会った。3日は好天気で、午前中、サクラがちょうど満開の千鳥ヶ淵と北の丸公園を散策した。上掲のイメージは北の丸公園でのスケッチ。

Have been to Tokyo from April 2 to 5. Attended the reunion of Dalian Reizen Primary School held at Shinjuku on April 2 and that of Kanazawa Kindai Senior High School held at Yotsuya on April 4. The number of participants was 11 (including four women) at the former and 12 (including two women) at the latter. Met T. U. and M. Y. in the afternoon of April 3. It was very fine on April 3; and I looked at cherry blossoms just in full bloom at Chidorigafuchi and Kitanomaru Park in that morning. The image above shows my sketch made at Kitanomaru Park.

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