

山陰の旅7 (Trip to Sanin Region 7)

 写真は、旅の3日目の小型遊覧船による「ぐるっと松江 堀川めぐり」の続き。1枚目は宇賀橋付近から見た松江城(1611年落成)、2枚目は270年以前の武家屋敷が傍らに立つ道「塩見縄手」、3枚目は小泉八雲の記念館付近に立つ八雲像。八雲は Glimpses of Unfamiliar Japan [1] などの著書で松江を世界に知らせたことで、松江の人びとから感謝されている。私は彼の著書 Kwaidan [2] が好きである。



The Photos above were taken from the boat of "Horikawa Moat Tour" on the third day of the trip. The first is the view of Matsue Castle, built in 1611, from Horikawa Moat near Uga Bridge; the second, Shiominawate Street by which the 270-year old Samurai House stands; the third, the statue of Koizumi Yakumo (Lafcadio Hearn) near Lafcadio Hearn Museum. Hearn is credited with introducing Matsue to the world through his writings such as Glimpses of Unfamiliar Japan [1]. I like his book Kwaidan [2] very much.

During the three days of our trip, it was rather cold and sometimes rainy. However, these conditions were not so bad as to hider our sightseeing but enforced the quiet beauty of the scenery of San'in Region.



  1. Glimpses of Unfamiliar Japan by Lafcadio Hearn (Project Gutenberg); Lafcadio Hearn, Glimpses of Unfamiliar Japan (Cosimo Classics, 2005).

  2. Kwaidan: Stories and Studies of Strange Things by Lafcadio Hearn (Project Gutenberg); Lafcadio Hearn, Kwaidan: Ghost Stories and Strange Tales of Old Japan (Dover, 2006).

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