

京都へのバス旅行 (Bus Trip to Kyoto)



 [同じ旅行についての長女のブログ:京都~ボストン美術館展, 手作り雑記帳~今日はどんな日?~ (2010年7月30日).]

Yesterday, my wife and I joined the bus trip to Kyoto together with our first daughter Yuko. The bus started Ten'noji, Osaka, at 8:00 a.m. We first visited the Kyoto Municipal Museum of Art (the first photo) to see the exhibition "European Masterpieces from the Museum of Fine Arts Boston". Then we had lunch (the second and third photos) at the Japanese restaurant Kyoshiki located at Oike-dōri. When we opened the gourd-shaped unit of vessels in the second photo, we got the dishes shown in the third photo.

In the afternoon, we visited two beautiful Japanese-style buildings now being specially opened for visitors. One is the old mansion of Arisugawa-no-miya at Karasuma-dōri; and the other, Chichibu-no-miya Palace on the ground of Daikaku-ji in Ukyō-ku (the fourth photo shows the entrance of Daikaku-ji). Without encountering a traffic jam, we came back to Ten'noji before 6:00 p.m., earlier than the schedule.

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