

ウォーキング・コースの風景 3 (Scenery in the Courses of My Walking Exercise 3)


At this point, we can see rather well Izumi Mountain Range, which separates Osaka and Wakayama Prefectures. On the left is the playing field of Hattashō Junior High School. The photo was taken on August 9, 2010.

From tweets of yesterday (edited by rephrasing, adding words, etc.)

About Astronomy and Cosmology

"Cosmological constraints from strong gravitational lensing in clusters of galaxies," Science (http://bit.ly/91zSAK). – The error of the parameter related to dark energy has been reduced by about 30%. Popular accounts of this paper have appeared in mass media, for example: "A galactic magnifying glass shows the Universe will probably expand," BBC News (http://bbc.in/d2Eejc).

About Information Science

"Information theory: A signal take on speech," Nature (http://bit.ly/diZGX0). – The author Michael Lewicki first writes, "[C]onsonants are more informative [. . . ] You c·n ·nd·rst·nd t·xt q··t· w·ll w·th··t v·w·ls, [. . .]" However, he later explains that the measure called cochlear-scaled spectral entropy (CSE) shows vowels are more informative (higher CSE) on average than consonants. Where does this discrepancy come from?

About Physics

"Fractals boost superconductivity," physicsworld.com (http://bit.ly/9giwiT). – High-temperature superconductor seems to thrive on its fractal structure.


"To the young of all lands Hollywood represents the last word in modernity, displaying both the pleasures of the rich and the methods to be adopted for acquiring riches." – Bertrand Russell, "In Praise of Idleness" (Routledge, London,2004; first published 1935 by George Allen & Unwin, London) p. 134.

"The idea that a special training may be necessary to understand, say, the theory of relativity, causes a sort of irritation, although nobody is irritated by the fact that a special training is necessary in order to be a first-rate football player." – Bertrand Russell, ibid. p. 136.

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