

なぜセミの逃げ足が速くなったか (Why Cicadas Fly Away So Quickly These Days?)



The other day, I wrote about the quick flying away of all the cicadas of species called large brown cicada I saw in Suzunomiya Park nearby (see the article of August 3). Thereafter, I found the possible reason of such behavior of them: I saw crows chasing cicadas near the top of trees.

The photo shows the cicada that rested near the ground of a cherry tree in the same park on August 16. In the mid-August, the number of large brown cicadas we see here becomes comparable to or larger than that of the cicadas of species Cryptotympana facialis.

From tweets of yesterday (edited by rephrasing, additions, etc.)

About Mathematics

"Step 1: Post elusive proof. Step 2: Watch fireworks," Debate over P vs NP proof highlights Web collaboration. NYTimes (http://nyti.ms/baP9mh).*

About Peace and Politics

"The A-bombed country's moral responsibility: To seek withdrawal from the 'nuclear umbrella'," Kenzaburo Oe, Asahi Shimbun, August 17.


About Physicists

[Retweet of Italia_Notizie's words] "Morto fisico Nicola Cabibbo," Corriere della Sera "ROMA - E' morto questa sera a Roma il fisico Nicola Cabibbo (The physicist Nicola Cabibbo died this evening). . ." (http://bit.ly/dvtEvs).

[In reply to chiamai's words, "Cabibbo–Kobayashi–Maskawa matrix http://bit.ly/9YqUv6"] Yes, I knew the name of Cabibbo by Cabibbo–Kobayashi–Maskawa matrix. It's sad that the Nobel Prize committee failed to reward him.

[Retweet of PhysicsNews's words] Interview with Newton Medal winner Professor Edward Witten (http://goo.gl/fb/FTxgb). (Retweeted by fermin771009)

About Physics

[Retweet of jonmbutterworth's words with an addition] "Into the unknown," First LHC paper to probe beyond the Standard Model (http://bit.ly/9HJPLx) ". . . four pages of physics, 15 pages of authors and acknowledgments!" (Got words of thanks from jonmbutterworth for this retweet.)


[Joking reply to CatherineQ's joking words: What day is it? Where am I? Who am I?] It's today. You are there. You are you.

[From CatherineQ] That seems very simple – I think I can handle that.


* The following is a conversation about this piece of news at the Web site Facebook.

[Sarah Kavassalis's words citing "Morto il fisico Nicola Cabibbo" from Corriere della Sera] R.I.P. Nicola Cabibbo. He just received ICTP's Dirac Prize too . . .

[I wrote after clicking the "Like" button of Sarah's message:] To push "Like" button may be a strange action for the sad news, but I like that you cited the article of Corriere della Sera.

[Sarah's reply] Yeah, I understand. "Like" really doesn't seem like the most universal button they could have chosen.

2 件のコメント:

  1. 蝉は成虫になってからそれほど長く生きられないのに、さらに外敵からも逃げなければいけないという過酷な状況なんですよね。まぁ蝉に限らず自然界に生きるものは皆サバイバルしているのでしょうけれど・・・店に入れば物が買え、屋根の下で雨風をしのげる環境を長く続けていると、命をつなぐことは大変なことだという当たり前のことすら忘れそうになります。

  2.  人間も住む場所によっては、地震、台風、津波、洪水、日照りなどの自然現象の過酷さにさらされます。そして、全地球的な気候変動にも…。人間同士が争う戦争をしたり、その準備である軍備拡張などをしていてはいけません。
