

ツルナシアサガオ (Morning Glory without Vines)


Morning glory without Vines; family, Convolvulaceae. The photo was taken at our yard on August 30, 2010.

From tweets of yesterday (edited by rephrasing, adding words, etc.)

About Books

"Many kinds of universes, and none require God," New York Times. —More about Stephen Hawking’s new book.

About Hobbies

[From chiamai] Hi! I finally dared to post a photo. Not good, but gives the idea of me not sleeping because of rain and stress :)

[To chiamai] Hi, It's an artistic photo with a flavor of abstract painting. Did you get it with a long exposure?

[From chiamai] Thanks for your kind words. I used a long exposure, but with an automatic setting in my camera. I have also taken 'normal' pics, but this corresponds more to my being half-asleep and a bit angry at the rain that woke me up.

[To chiamai] I see. Today I noticed your retweet at quite an early time of your zone. We also had rain this morning after a long while.

About Internet and Science

[Retweet of edyong209's words] Join in RT @Sheril_: "Thoughts from around the web on The Science Writing Renaissance," Discover Blogs, The Intersection.

About Physics

"Why spacetime on the tiniest scale may be 2-dimensional," Tech Rev arXiv blog —Will any kind of experiments be able to prove the idea mentioned? (Retweeted by fermin771009)

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