

郷里・金沢3 (My Hometwon Kanazawa 3)


Upper photo: "Tsuzumi Gate" having pillars of the shape of tsuzumi (a Japanese drum), at the east entrance of JR Kanazawa Station. This wooden gate was completed in 2005. Behind the gate, a building with a large hemispherical ceiling totally made of glass, "Motenashi Dome" (Hospitality Dome) stands. Lower photo: Ekinishi Building (East Station Building). The old town of Kanazawa was mainly in the southeast of the station. Development of the northwest region was advanced recently. In 2003, Ishikawa Prefectural Office moved to this side.

From tweets of yesterday and this morning (edited by rephrasing, adding words, etc.)

About Arts

[From heppoco_daze] 東京では、[ユトリロ展は]終わってしまったようですね。没後120年ゴッホ展が国立新美術館で開催されるようです。

[To heppoco_daze] ゴッホ展 は、10月1日〜12月20日ですね。その間に上京の機会がありますので、ぜひ見たいです。

About Blogs

NPR blog site recommended by Scout Report: "13.7: Cosmos and Culture." —Engage in a dialogue about present crucial issues!

About Books

Went to Osaka Science Museum this afternoon to study quantum field theory in "Theoretical Physics Circle" and also attended a meeting after meeting. There, we discussed about what "time" is and got no definitive answer. Have to read @seanmcarroll's "From Eternity to Here."

[From sciencegoddess] @seanmcarroll's book, "From Eternity to Here" is very good. You'll enjoy it.

[To sciencegoddess] Thanks for your kind words about "From Eternity to Here." I reordered the paperback edition of it to be released on October 26, 2010.

About Peace and Politics

福泉・鳳地域「憲法9条の会」主催 学習会のお知らせ:来る9月26日午2時から、学習会「核兵器、戦争はなくせるか? Yes, We Can!!」を開催します(詳細はリンク先参照)。こぞってご参加下さい。

[From itadori3] 自治会や祭りの用事でバタバタしており、お役に立てなくてすみません。小学校の運動会の日でもあり、近所から数名だけですが参加してくれます。当日司会をいわれて今から緊張しています。成功させたいですね。

[To itadori3] 福泉・鳳地域「憲法9条の会」のブログに学習会チラシのイメージを載せたのが、初めは小さ過ぎ、文とともに、何度も手直しをしました。司会、よろしくお願いします。

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