

郷里・金沢 7 (My Hometwon Kanazawa 7)

 記載の順序が日時順でないが、13日に A 先生の家を辞してから、私の母校・菫台高校(現・金沢商業高校)まで歩いた。1枚目の写真は、その途中で通った天徳院の参道と山門。向って右の石柱には、上部の文字が欠けていて見にくいが、「葷酒(くんしゅ)山門に入るを許さず」と漢文で書いてあり、不浄なものや心を乱すものは山門内に入ることを許さない、の意である。高校時代に同じ言葉を漱石の作品中に見つけて喜んだものだ。当時はなかった左の石柱には、「珠姫の寺」とある。天徳院は1623年、加賀三代藩主・前田利常が前年に24歳で死去した正室・珠姫を弔うために建てた寺である。


I am writing without following the chronological order of events in Kanazawa. After visiting Mr. A, I walked to my alma mater, Kindai Senior High School (presently Kanazawa Commercial High School). The upper photo shows the gate of Tentokuin Temple I saw before arriving at the school. The Chinese characters on the right pillar mean, "Those who are unclean or disturb the mind are not allowed to enter the gate." I was glad to find the same words in one of Soseki's works when I was in high school. The pillar on the left, not present in those days, has the words, "Temple of Tamahime (Princess of Pearl)." In 1623, the third feudal lord of Kaga, Toshitsune Maeda, built this temple to mourn the death of his wedded wife, Tamahime, who had died the previous year at the age of 24.

Turning left just inside the gate of Tentokuin and going a little, I found the house where I had lived during my first and second years of senior high school, in almost the same shape as before. Nearer to my alma mater, there is also the house I lived in my junior high school days. In both these houses, we, coming back from Dalian after the end of World War II, had rented part of the second floor by the kindness of the owners. The lower photo shows the entrance of the alma mater. The arc-shaped gate was built a few years ago. On the playground of the school, the excavation of the historical site is in progress, and students cannot use a large part of it now.

From tweets of yesterday (edited by rephrasing, adding words, etc.)

About Astrophysics

"The ubiquity of micrometer-sized dust grains in the dense interstellar medium," Pagani et al., Science 329, 1622 (2010).

"Ancient star poses galactic puzzle," physicsworld (September 20, 2010). —The High Dispersion Spectrograph found unexpected barium.

"Saturn's aurora captured on film," Telegraph (September 24, 2010).—"A spectacular light show seen dancing across the atmosphere of the planet Saturn is helping scientists understand one of nature's most beautiful and mysterious phenomena on Earth – the northern lights."

[Retweet of seanmcarroll's words] Primordial magnetic fields found? We've wondered for a long time whether B-fields came from galaxies, or before. "Universal, primordial magnetic fields discovered in deep space by UCLA, Caltech physicists," UCLA Newsroom (September 21, 2010).

About Books

"In retrospect: The celestial message," Nature 467, 398 (September 23, 2010). —"John Heilbron reflects on the first telescopic survey of the sky, published [by Galileo] 400 years ago."

About Peace and Politics

[Retweet of koike_akira's words] 尖閣諸島は、歴史的にも国際法上も明確な根拠のある日本の領土。70年代まではどの国もそれに異議を表明せず。ポツダム宣言受諾時にも中国は尖閣を要求せず。当時の中国や台湾の地図には尖閣の記載なし。日本政府はこうした事実をきちんとアピールすべき。

About Physicists

"The Feynman Variations," physicsworld. —About @ProfBrianCox's BBC Radio 4 show "The Archive Hour."

About Physics

Experiment at laboratories of NIST, Boulder: [Retweet of JenLucPiquant's words] Now 'this' is totes awesome! (via alexwitze) Time dilation on a tabletop: "Everything really is relative," Science News (September, 23, 2010).
The paper mentioned in the above report is: Chou et al., "Optical clocks and relativity," Science 329, 1630. (Retweeted by gtsouza)
See also: "Einstein's theory of relativity works on a human scale," Telegraph (September 23, 2010). (Retweeted by F414)

"Glowing review," physicsworld, Blog (September 21, 2010). —A peek at the reactor and experiments at the Institut Laue-Langevin in Grenoble.

About Science and Politics

[Retweet of ProfBrianCox's words] If you agree, then would you consider signing in support of UK science at this dark time - and please retweet: Science is Vital.

About Sports

Congratulations! [RT of TheRealMariners' words] There we have it! Ichiro singles in the 5th to make it 10 consecutive years of 200+ hits. #Ichiro200. See also "Ichiro first to 200 hits in 10 straight years," Reuters; "Ichiro ties record with 10th 200-hit season," (via mlb) (related videos available).

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