

巻積雲1 (Cirrocumulus Clouds 1)


Cirrocumulus clouds. The photo was taken on October 16 at 10:12 near our house.

From tweets of yesterday (edited by rephrasing, adding words, etc.)

About Physics

"Entanglement warms up," Physical Review Focus (October 22, 2010). —Theorists propose a technique for entangling two oscillators at around 1 degree Kelvin.

"Experimental search for quantum gravity," by Sabine Hossenfelder [arXiv:1010.3420v1] (Submitted on October 17, 2010). —A brief survey of existent and planned experimental tests. [Retweeted by Glaucio Souza]

About Scientists

"Benoît Mandelbrot: from cauliflowers to cosmic secrets," Telegraph (October 22, 2010).—"Ian Stewart pays tribute to Benoît Mandelbrot, who discovered a formula to explain the beauty of the world around us."

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