

コスモス (Cosmos)


Cosmos is a genus, with the same common name of Cosmos. The photo was taken during walking exercise on October 13, 2010.

From tweets of October 18, 2010 (edited by rephrasing, adding words, etc.)

About Science

"Special report: Morality put to the test," New Scientist ().—Morality is no more exclusively the theme of philosophy and religion.

Exchange of Words with Friends

[To F414] Thanks for your RT of my blog post "ザクロの実 (Fruits of Pomegranate)". Why are you interested in pomegranates?

[From F414 in reply to me] I recently had a convo about the meaning of pomegranates relating to the film "The Draughtsman's Contract" (see blog entry).

[In reply to F414] Thanks a lot for your reply. I enjoyed part of your long blog entry (September 27, 2010) on the film.
There, I found the following description:

In this film he [the director of the film, Peter Greenaway] has, as his focus, people who live in a false culture, who spend their time worrying about whether their gardens match up to their neighbor’s and whether their oranges are sweeter than their neighbor’s pomegranates.

[To J. Tanaka] フォローありがとうございました。私からもフォローさせていただきました。鏡像問題について考察していらっしゃいますので、『認知科学』Vol. 15, p. 496 (2008) 掲載の小亀・高野・多幡による誌上討論(小特集—鏡映反転:「鏡の中では左右が反対に見える」のはなぜか?)をまだお読みでなければ、別刷りを差し上げたいと思います。

[From J. Tanaka in reply to me] フォローして頂き、光栄です。ただ今HPを拝見し、ツイッターも拝見しましたが、殆どが英文の高度な内容で、いったんたじろいでしまいました。

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