

アオサギ (Grey Heron)


Grey heron; zoological name, Ardea cinerea; family, Ardeidae. The photo was taken at Ishizu River, Sakai, on September 11, 2010.

From tweets of October 9 (edited by rephrasing, adding words, etc.)

About Arts

"Do You Know Your MoMA? 10/08/2010," MoMA. —"If you think you can identify the artist and title of each of these works . . . please submit your answers . . ."

[Retweet of Cliff Pickover's Words] Images and movies of the Buddhabrot— S. Casey, "Buddhabrot: Do Not Filter Out the Non-Escaping Trajectories," Blog site The Laughing Bone (October 10, 2007). —"The Buddhabrot is a special rendering of the Mandelbrot set which, when traditionally oriented, resembles to some extent certain depictions of the Buddha."

About Internet

Tried to use Twifficiency via Republic of Math. The result: "Score 38%. You are doing well on Twitter, are keeping up with your Tweets, but could still do better." Oh!

[From Republic of Math] LOL! I guess we all could do better.

[To Republic of Math] Thanks for message about my Twifficiency result.

About Life Science

[Retweet of Science News's words] Life may have started sky high," Science News (October 8, 2010). —Experiments suggest basic chemical ingredients formed in the upper atmosphere.

About Physics

"Vibrations skip across vacuum," Physical Review Focus (October 8, 2010). —Acoustic phonon tunneling, possibly applicable in nanoelectronics and the development of devices that harvest energy from temperature gradients. (Retweeted by Glaucio Souza)

Exchange of Words with Friends

[From heppoco_daze, about the photo in my blog post of October 9, 2010] 甘いオリーブの香り~♪ 私の住む方は、ちっちゃいオレンジ色の花を多く見かけますが、黄色っぽいのもあるんですね…。

[In reply to heppoco_daze] いや、これはまさに「ちっちゃいオレンジ色の花」ですが、日がよく当たって黄色っぽく見えているのです。デジカメの7倍ズーム機能を使ったせいもあって、小さな花でないようにも見えます。


"Becoming is conscious, being unconscious." —Erwin Schrödinger, "My View of the World" transl. from German by C. Hastings (Ox Bow, 1983) p. 51.—One must be unconscious more often at higher ages.

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