

コルチカム (Autumn Crocus)


Autumn crocus, meadow saffron or naked lady; botanical name, Colchicum autumnale; family, Colchicaceae. The photo was taken on October 22, 2010, at our yard.

From tweets of yesterday (edited by rephrasing, adding words, etc.)

About Anthropology

[Retweet of Guardian Science's words] "Language and toolmaking evolved together, say researchers." Evolutionary advance saw stone-age humans master the art of hand-toolmaking and paved the way for language to develop. Guardian (November 3, 2010).

About Astrophysics

"Cosmic blasts hint at inner magnetars." A twist in the plot for the Universe's most powerful explosions suggests a detour en route to forming a black hole. Nature Vol. 468, p. 15 (2010).

"Galactic GPS put through its paces." For the first time, astronomers have reconstructed Earth's trajectory through the cosmos using pulsar signals. Tech Rev (November 3, 2010). Reference: "Pulsars as celestial beacons to detect the motion of the earth," arxiv.org/abs/1011.0065.

About Fundamental Physics

"Gravity's weight on unification." Much research in theoretical physics is inspired at least in part by the idea of unifying all of the fundamental forces of nature. An analysis of how gravity affects other forces at subnuclear scales has major implications for that idea. Nature (November 3, 2010). —Reference: David J. Toms, "Quantum gravitational contributions to quantum electrodynamics," Nature Vol. 468, p. 56 (November 2010). See also "Quantum gravity corrects QED," physicsworld (November 3, 2010).

About Materials Science

[Retweet of Nature News's words] "Star Wars-style holograms: a new hope?" Novel plastic could enable real-time 3D holographic projections. Nature, News (November 3, 2010).

About Scenery

今年、桜の季節に訪れた場所で、懐かしい。 [Retweet of asahi's words] YouTube Video: 朝霧に浮かぶ「天空の城」、近畿でこの秋一番の冷え込み

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