

秋色 1 (Autumn Colors 1)


The autumn color of flowering dogwood leaves. The photo was taken at Ōtoriminami-machi, Nishi-ku, Sakai.

From tweets of yesterday (edited by rephrasing, adding words, etc.)

About Arts

Colored X-rays; how did he get it? [Retweet of madge's words] To help celebrate 115 years of X-rays: "X-rays of flowers by Hugh Turvey." Hugh Turvey's X-rays show that beauty is more than skin deep. Telegraph, Picture Galleries (August 2, 2010).

About Astrophysics

"Star's song captured by scientists." Scientists have captured the 'song' of a distant star as part of new research that is providing insights into what lies beneath its surface. Telegraph (November 7, 2010).

About Philosophy

The message of Philipp Blom's book "A Wicked Company" is introduced: [Retweet of 3 Quarks Daily's words via U (@F414)] "Atheism and the Enlightenment: The Forgotten Radicalism of the European Enlightenment." An 18th-century Paris salon where philosophers met to eat and drink and deny the existence of God and the soul. Economist (October 28, 2010).

About Physics

"The skinny on the LHC’s heavy ions," Less than 24 hours after the end of the Large Hadron Collider’s first high-energy run of proton collisions, beams of lead ions are already circulating in the LHC. . . . What are lead ions? Is accelerating them any different than protons? And why dedicate one of the LHC’s precious months of operation to lead-ion collisions? [—These are explained.] Symmetry Breaking (November 5, 2010).

Words to Friends

[In response to 多幡歯科's words: きょうは、いい歯の日です。CMもやってましたね。歯を大切に。 …] いい歯の日に、ツイッター上でお目にかかれました。私も大阪・梅田にある、かかりつけの歯医者さんへ、先延ばししていた定期検診にそろそろ行かなければ、と思っています。

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