

秋色 9 (Autumn Colors 9)


Leaves of flowering dogwood in autumn color. The photo was taken at our yard on November 14, 2010.

From tweets of yesterday (edited by rephrasing, adding words, etc.)

About Astronomer

"Allan Sandage, astronomer, dies at 84; Charted Cosmos’s age and expansion, New York Times (November 17, 2010).

About Astrophysics

"Space probe brings asteroid dust back to Earth." Japan's Hayabusa mission collects 1500 grains from Itokawa. physicsworld (November 16, 2010).

About Atomic Physics

[Retweet of AIP_Publishing's words] "Positronium in confinement." Physics Today, Physics Update (November 15, 2010).

About Earth Science Interaction

RT @wiredscience: "Earth from space makes for beautiful art (and desktop backgrounds)" Wired Science (November 16, 2010).

About Environment

"Video: PC users to link up in global climate change project." PC users to link up in global climate change projectPC users worldwide are invited to run powerful software analysing climate change and its effects on local weather systems with the weatherathome.net project. Guardian (November 17, 2010).

About Fundamental Physics

"A costly quest for the dark heart of the Cosmos." After 16 years and $1.5 billion of other people’s money, it is almost showtime for NASA and Sam Ting. New York Times (November 16, 2010).

About Interplay between Mathematics and Physics

[Retweet of PhysOrg Science News's words] "Linking geometric problems to physics could open door to new solutions." A Princeton scientist with an interdisciplinary bent has taken two well-known problems in mathematics and reformulated them as a physics question, offering new tools to solve challenges relevant to a host of subjects ranging from improving data compression to detecting gravitational waves. Physorg (November 16, 2010).

About Life Science

[Retweet of Science News's words] "Jet lag makes hamsters dumb." A new study highlights the perils of shifting time zones." Science News (November 16, 2010).

About Society

[Retweet of Satomi Ichimura's words] 英語で読む今年の流行語 (by @Pinktentacle) が素晴らし過ぎる。RT @serkantoto: "Top 60 of Japan's most popular words in 2010 explained in English."


A moral: A hard step is always different from an easy slope. [Retweet of Graham Farmelo's words] Proof that, contrary to rumour, pi = 4. [Retweeted by J. M. Peterson]

About my previous tweet: This isn't a good moral, because, in combination with pi = 4, it looks like to say going easy way is a right thing.

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