The upper group of clouds looks like an X-ray photograph of a slender fish. The photo was taken on December 1, 2010.
From tweets of yesterday (edited by rephrasing, adding words, etc.)
[Retweet of io9's words] "Cosmic rays could have caused one of the worst mass extinctions on Earth." io9 Blog (december 23, 2010).
[Retweet of 浅井隆's words] 英語の140文字は全然表現できないんですけど、日本語は漢字があるので、AがあってBがってCがあってまで表現できるんですね。—リンダ監督 ("iwakamiyasumi 12/23/10 04:24AM": 岩上安身によるインタビューのビデオ)。
Peace and Politics
憲法九条を忘れ、「死の商人」の肩を持つ妄言。嘆かわしい:"武器輸出三原則の見直し「先送り」は日本の安全保障に禍根を残す" 日経ビジネスオンライン (December 24, 2010). [Retweeted by J. Tanaka]
"The top 10 science stories of 2010." A microbe with an artificial genome, a volcano with an almost unpronounceable name, a disaster that blackened Gulf waters—these and other events defined this year in science and technology Scientific American Slideshows (December 23, 2010). [Retweeted by P. F. Anderson @pfanderson]
Science and Moral
"The science of right and wrong: Can data determine moral values?" Scientific American (December 23, 2010). —Michael Shermer, the author of The Science of Good and Evil, writes about Sam Harris's The Moral Landscape.
Random writings of a retired physicist
Continuation of "Ted's Coffeehouse" (now being restored in archives of this site)
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