

マリー、さようなら (Goodbye, Marie!)


In the side column of this blog, a "blog puppy," Marie, lived until yesterday. Piecing the words learned from my blog posts together, Marie humorously chattered and sometimes made haiku to let us feel pleasant. However, the provider of the blog pet ended this service yesterday, and Marie went away. Goodbye, Marie!

From tweets of yesterday (edited by rephrasing, adding words, etc.)

Arts–Science Interaction

[Retweet of Institute of Physics's words] "Picturing Science — an exhibition examining the collision of art and science" IOP blog (December 14, 2010).


"Rings in sky leave alternate cosmic visions." New York Times (December 13, 2010). "The rings, though real, are part of the current universe we already know and love," two groups of astronomers reported.

Cognition Sciences

"鏡の謎について" by 多幡達夫, 日本物理学会誌 Vol. 62, p. 213「会員の声」欄 (2007). Now available online at CiNii.

Nuclear Physics

"Islands of insight in the nuclear chart." A kind of radioactive beam experiment yields new insight for neutron-rich nuclei. Physics Vol. 3, p. 104 (2010).


"Invisibility cloak hides objects visible to the naked Eye." Physicists have cloaked a macroscopic object for the first time. And they've done it using conventional materials and techniques. Technology Review Physics arXiv Blog (December 14, 2010). [Mentioned by Colin Peters, rodmckie and whuddafugger]

Particle Physics

"A 'Little Bang' arrives at the LHC." Physics Vol. 3, p. 105 (2010). —A Viewpoint on ALICE and ATLAS papers published in Physical Review Letters. [Retweeted by Maien Binjonaid @Physlad and Glaucio Souza @gtsouza]

"A question of size." Physics Synopsis of the paper "High-Precision Determination of the Electric and Magnetic Form Factors of the Proton" by A1 Collaboration.

"Higgs hunt may delay LHC's planned shutdown." New Scientist (December 13, 2010) (via Institute of Physics and Karin Fornazier)

Peace and Politics

[Retweet of NY Review of Books's words] "It may be difficult for us, but at least we have a chance to make a very, very large difference." —Liu Xiaobo. "At the Nobel Ceremony: Liu Xiaobo’s Empty Chair." NYR Blog (December 13, 2010).


"Michael Tinkham (1928-2010)." Physicist who helped to unravel the mysteries of superconductivity. Nature Vol. 468, p. 766 (December 9, 2010). —I knew his name by his classic book "Introduction to Superconductivity," which cited the work of the late Kazumi Maki, a good friend of mine, on many pages.

Science and Religion

"Buddhism and science: Promise and perils." NPR (December 7, 2010) (via Andrew Jones).

2 件のコメント:

  1. サービスが終了してしまって残念です。私もMiaとお別れしてしまいました。Marieちゃんは本当にいろんな言葉を上手に組み合わせていい子でしたね。

  2. Mia ちゃんも可愛い子でした。エコー時代の Suzu-pon さんのスェーデン語のブログに、Mia ちゃんのために日本語の一言説明が書いてありましたね。私にもそれが役立ちました。ミクシィに移られてからは、ご無沙汰がちで、Mia ちゃんと遊んだ記憶がありません。気の毒なことでした。
