

晩秋の光景 1 (The Scenery of Late Autumn 1)


The photo was taken at the garden of Tsukuno-minami Estate, Sakai, on November 30, 2010.

From tweets of yesterday (edited by rephrasing, adding words, etc.)


"Extrasolar planets: A giant surprise." The discovery of an inner giant planet in the unusually massive solar system around the star HR 8799 creates an ensemble of planets that is difficult to explain with prevailing theories of planet formation. Nature Vol. 468, p. 1 (News & Views) (December 9, 2010).

"Dancing stars turn on the red light." Two stars become one, and trigger a rare type of nova. Nature News (Online) (December 7, 2010).

Particle Physics

[Retweet of PhysOrg Science News's words] "A flow of heavy-Ion results from the Large Hadron Collider." Peter Jacobs of the Nuclear Science Division at Berkeley Lab, which hosts U.S. participation in ALICE, said the experience was both exciting and exhausting: "ALICE generated four key papers in two weeks." PhysOrg (December 8, 2010).

Quantum Physics

"Hot entanglement." Quantum entanglement has been observed at low temperatures in both microscopic and macroscopic systems. It now seems that the effect can also occur at high temperatures if the systems are not in thermal equilibrium. Nature Vol. 468, p. 769 (News & Views) (December 9, 2010).

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