

網に写る影 (Shadows on the Net)


The photo above shows the fence of the playground of the senior high school near my house. It is made of wire netting. Inside the fence, a sheet of finer netting is hung. From the outside, we can see the playground fairly well through the nets. Where school buildings and trees stand beyond, the internal net become darker green, reducing the transparency and forming the shade regions. Onto those regions, the sunlight from upper right projects the much darker shadows of trees, and transparency is restored there. — This is such a fascinating spectacle. Carefully looking at this photo, I also find rents on both the inner and the outer net, and do not get tired of scrutinizing the image for a while. (The photo was taken on December 10, 2010.)

From tweets of yesterday (edited by rephrasing, adding words, etc.)


"Rare cosmic event to transpire Tuesday morning." Big Think, Dr. Kaku's Universe (December 18, 2010) (via About Physics).


"Top 10 books for 2010." physicsworld (December 20, 2010). —"In 2009 picking the year's top book was easy: Graham Farmelo's biography of Paul Dirac, The Strangest Man, stood head-and-shoulders above the rest, and won a Costa 'Best Biography' gong to prove it. The competition for 2010 was tighter, . . .
3. Massive: The Hunt for the God Particle by Ian Sample
2. How to Teach Quantum Physics to Your Dog by Chad Orzel
1. The Edge of Physics: Dispatches from the Frontiers of Cosmology by Anil Ananthaswamy."

Fundamental Physics

"Combining two approaches to the strong force." Physics. Synopsis of Steven Weinberg's paper published in Physical Review Letters Vol. 105, p. 261601 (December 20, 2010). [Retweeted by Maien Binjonaid]


[From MLB's words] Lunar Eclipse tribute: "Baseball on the Moon." a YouTube video (May 15, 2008); Wally Moon, a former Major League Baseball outfielder in "Wikipedia"; and the portrait of Wally Moon.


"Physics World reveals its top 10 breakthroughs for 2010." (December 20, 2010).
1. Antihydrogen success
2. Exoplanet atmosphere laid bare
3. Quantum effects seen in a visible object
4. Visible-light cloaking of large objects
5. Hail the first sound lasers
6. A Bose–Einstein condensate from light
7. Relativity with a human touch
8. Towards a Star Wars telepresence
9. Proton is smaller than we thought
10. CERN achieves landmark collisions


[Retweet of Scientific American's words] "In praise of scientific error" Scientific American (December 20, 2010). —"We should always be willing to question the outcomes of science, but we should be even more willing to question ourselves."

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