

東北地方太平洋沖地震 (Off the Pacific Coast of Tohoku Earthquake)

 2011年3月11日14時46分頃、太平洋三陸沖を震源として、マグニチュード8.8(暫定値)の巨大地震が発生した。気象庁は、この地震を「平成23 年(2011 年)東北地方太平洋沖地震」と命名した(英語の名称は "The 2011 off the Pacific coast of Tohoku earthquake")。また、この地震による被害の名称は「東日本大震災」とされている。——以上、『ウィキペディア』の「2011年東北地方太平洋沖地震」[2011年3月12日 (土) 02:13] を参考にした。——




The 2011 off the Pacific coast of Tohoku earthquake was an 8.8 to 9.1 MW, making it the largest earthquake to hit Japan and one of the five largest earthquakes in the world since modern record-keeping began ['2011 Sendai earthquake and tsunami,' Wikipedia (12 March 2011 at 02:14); the name of the earthquake has been replaced by the one officially determined by the Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA)].

The damage caused by this earthquake and associated tsunami is being clarified. The picture above shows the Japanese newspapers reporting terrible states of things.

I express sincere sympathy to the sufferers from this disaster.

Note added later: On Sunday, March 13, the JMA determined the magnitude of this earthquake as 9.0 MW.

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