

ザイラー ピアノデュオ コンサート (Seiler Piano Duo Concert)

 昨日、妻と堺市西文化会館ウェスティホールへ「ザイラー ピアノデュオ コンサート」を聞きに行った。演奏者の「ザイラー ピアノデュオ」とは、エルンスト・ザイラー、カズコ・ザイラー夫妻のことで、夫妻は京都府の胡麻の里に「かやぶき音楽堂」を設立して初夏と秋にコンサートやデュオコンクールを開催している。


 曲目は、第1部で中田喜直の「日本の四季(全6曲)」とブラームスの「愛の歌」ワルツ集 Op. 52a、第2部でリストの交響詩「ハムレット」と「タッソー」、そしてドヴォルザークの「スラブ舞曲集」から2曲、であった。プログラムの印刷物によれば、故中田喜直はカズコ・ザイラーの母と東京音楽学校(現東京芸大)の同級生で、カズコはことあるごとに彼の京都まで出向いての指導にあずかったそうである。

 第2部の2番目に演奏された曲の名にあるタッソー(トルクァート、1544–1595)は、イタリアのルネサンス期の叙事詩人で、「解放されたエルサレム」( 第1回十字軍に場面をおく、主に創作された物語の叙事詩)で知られる。曲はこの詩人の悲劇と勝利の運命を描いたもので、リストによるこの曲の序文をエルンスト・ザイラーが各国語版を参考に和訳し、プログラムに挟んであった。この曲の解説は、『ウィキペディア』にも掲載されている。


Yesterday afternoon, my wife and I attended "Seiler Piano Duo Concert" held at Nishi Cultural Hall, Sakai. The performers, "Seiler Piano Duo," were Ernst Seiler and his wife Kazuko, who had made "Kayabuki (Thatched-Roof) Music Hall" in Gomanosato, Kyoto. There, they have concerts and duo competitions in every early summer and fall.

Last fall, we just joined the bus tour to that hall and listened their playing piano. So, we were much pleased to learn around March that they would have a concert at the nearby hall, and immediately bought tickets in advance. I bought a ticket also for our elder daughter, who liked playing piano. Unfortunately, however, it happened that she had to go to her elder son's boarding house in Kyoto the night before, because he got a high fever, and she was unable to join us.

The program was as follows: Part 1, Yoshinao Nakada's "Four Seasons of Japan," Johannes Brahms's "Love Song" Waltzes Op. 52a; Part 2, Franz Liszt's Symphonic Poems "Hamlet" and "Tasso," and two pieces of Antonín Dvořák's "Slavic Dances." According to the program leaflet, the late Yoshinao Nakada and Kazuko Seiler's mother were classmates at the Tokyo Music School (now the Tokyo University of the Arts), and he came to teach Kazuko on every occasion when it was needed.

Tasso (Torquato, 1544-1595), from whom the name of one of the songs played in Part 2 came, was an Italian epic poet in the Renaissance period and was known for Jerusalem Delivered (La Gerusalemme liberate), which told a largely mystified version of the First Crusade. The Symphonic Poem "Tasso" describes the fate of tragedy and triumph of the poet Tasso. Ernst Seiler made a Japanese translation of Liszt's preface to this song by consulting versions of different languages, and inserted in the program leaflet. We can also learn about "Tasso(, Lament and Triumph)" from Wikipedia.

An application postcard of "Kayabuki Concert in Early Summer, 2011" was also being inserted in the leaflet. According to the facts stated there, this year, Kayabuki Concert celebrates its 300th career; Ernst, the 50th anniversary of coming to Japan and kiju (his 77th birthday); and Kazuko, kanreki (her 60th birthday).

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