

郷里・金沢へ 1 (The Visit to My Hometown Kanazawa 1)

KKR ホテル金沢の前にある金沢城の大手堀。
Ōtebori Moat in front of KKR Hotel Kanazawa.

Hishi-yagura building in Kanazawa Castle Park (both the photos were taken
while it stopped raining after the breakfast on May 11, 2011).


 会合は10日夕方の宴会から始まり、翌11日の市内観光と昼食で解散となった。宴会は兼六園内の三芳庵、2次会と宿泊は大手町の KKR ホテル金沢。観光は、室生犀星記念館しいのき迎賓館(旧石川県庁舎本館に新装を加え、2010年4月開館)、金沢21世紀美術館(展示は見ないで、通り抜けのみ)。昼食は、広坂の石亭で。(10、11の両日とも、あいにく、かなり激しい雨が降り、移動にはタクシーを利用したが、訪れた場所の外観写真を撮ることが出来なかった。そこで、上記の文中にそれらの場所の様子が分かるウエブページへのリンクを設けた。)(続く)

On Tuesday, May 10, I visited my hometown Kanazawa to attend the reunion of the newspaper club of the former Kindai Senior High School and stayed there until Friday, May 13. We have had the meeting of this club every year since 1997 by rotating the secretaries' role among the members living in Kanazawa, Kanto Region, Kansai Region and Nagoya; and the meeting celebrated its 15th this time. Due to the aging of the members, however, we decided to make the meeting of this year the last one. The number of participants in the meeting was 18, which just doubled the minimum number in the last year, accomplishing the virtue of making the end well. I attended this series of meetings 11 times from the second one.

We started off the meeting by the evening banquet of Tuesday and ended it by sightseeing and lunch on Wednesday. We held the banquet at Miyoshi-an in Kenroku Park, and had the night party at KKR Hotel Kanazawa in Ōte-machi, where we stayed. The locations of sightseeing were Murō Saisei Kinenkan Museum, Shiinoki Cultural Complex (opened in April 2010 after the renewal of the former main building of the Ishikawa Prefectrue Hall) and the 21st Century Museum of Contemporary Art, Kanazawa (we passed through the free-access area without looking at the exhibition now in display). The place of lunch was Sekitei in Hirosaka. (On both Tuesday and Wednesday, we were unlucky to have heavy rain, and moved on taxi. Thus, I could not take photos of the places visited but provided links to the Web pages of those places in the text above.) (To be continued)

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