

バラ 3 (Roses 3)


Each of the photos shows a species of the genus Rosa (family, Rosaceae); taken in Nakanoike Park on May 21, 2011. I was able to read the name tag of the rose in the upper photo only. Its name was "the International Herald Tribune," which came from the famous newspaper.

きょう気に入った言葉 (The Words I liked Today)

 東日本大震災と原発事故を受けて一番いいたいのは、「価値観の転換が必要」ということ。…科学者の立場からいうと安全な原発なんてない。― 元日本物理学会会長・米沢富美子(『しんぶん赤旗』文化欄インタビュー記事)

What I want strongly to say about the Tohoku earthquake and nuclear accidents is that we need a radical change of the concept of values . . . There is no safe nuclear reactor from the viewpoint of scientists. — Fumiko Yonezawa, former President of the Physical Society of Japan (Shimbun Akahata, in the interview report of the Culture page).

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