

びわこゆり園へのバス旅行 4-2:ユリいろいろ (Bus Trip to Biwako-yurien: 4-2. Different Species of Lily)

 ゆり園を見たあと、バスは一路、大阪へ。たいした交通渋滞はなく、予定よりかなり早く、午後6時半過ぎに梅田へ帰着した。私たちは H デパートで贈り物発送の依頼をしてから、午後8時過ぎに帰宅。

After the visit to Lily Garden, our bus took the road back to Osaka. There was not so many traffic jams, so that we came back to Umeda a little after 6:30 pm, which was much earlier than the schedule. My wife and I then ordered sending of some gifts at H department store and arrived home shortly after 8:00 pm.

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