

仏教と神道での供養の相違 (Differences in the Memorial Service between Buddhism and Shinto)

 8月11日付け記事に関連して、物の供養について仏教と神道とでは意味合いが違うのかとの疑問がコメント欄に寄せられた。そこで、供養の基本である先祖供養について、仏教と神道での考え方の相違を、インターネットで探ってみた。得られた記述 [1, 2] を簡潔にまとめると次のようになる。




In a comment to my blog post dated August 11, the question was raised if there were any difference between the memorial service for things in Buddhism and that in Shinto. So, I have studied by the Internet possible differences related to the basic memorial service, i.e., the memorial service for ancestors.

As for Buddhism, Indian Buddhism does not teach about the memorial service for ancestors, but in Japanese Buddhism, which is a mixture of Confucianism, tribal religions and Indian Buddhism, they acknowledge the existence of the soul after death, and the memorial service for ancestors are made by thinking about their soul through the statue of Buddha (or Buddha himself). The significance of the service is considered to be in their attitude of "living as they are" by thanking their rebirth in this world (the thought of reincarnation of Indian Buddhism) and being grateful to their ancestors and people around them, i.e., the attitude that gives pleasure to their ancestors in another world.

In Shinto, on the other hand, it is considered that, when one dies, one's God spirit in one's body escapes from the body and enter tamaya, made of natural wood, to dwell there. People think about ancestors through tamashiro. Thamashiro is also made of natural wood in order to represent the God spirit and is set in tamaya. In this memorial service, people expect that the God spirit looks after them with a warm heart.

From these descriptions, differences in the memorial service between Japanese Buddhism and Shinto can be supposed as follows: In the former, our relationship to the object of the memorial service is indirect (thinking is made through Buddha) and active (we give pleasure to the object). Contrary to this, our relationship to the object of the memorial service in Shinto is direct (thinking is made through tamashiro that represents the object's spirit) and passive (we expect to get the bless from the object's spirit). There is the Japanese proverb, "Kurushii toki no kami danomi," (Man turns to God only in trouble). However, we do not hear the words "hotoke danomi" (Man turns to Buddha). This seems to be consistent with the passiveness in Shinto. — Here I presented a rapid and simplified conclusion derived from relatively short descriptions. So, I should be grateful if someone could tell me about a more detailed and accurate comparison.


  1. 先祖供養と仏教 イン ジャパン, Blog post by カズコ (2007年3月21日).

  2. 神道のご先祖供養について, みす平總卸店 Web page.

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