

水彩画:住吉公園の潮掛道 (The Watercolor: Shiokake Road in Sumiyoshi Park)

 先に掲載した写真(2011年6月27日付け「住吉公園」の1枚目)を参考に、今秋の美交会展に出す水彩画の一枚を仕上げた(完成は8月22日)。透明水彩絵具と、ホルベイン「ウォーターフォード・ホワイト」水彩紙 F6 (410×318 mm) を使用した。デッサン段階の絵の写真も合わせて掲載する。左手の大きな木の幹や敷石道に見られる木もれ日を面白いと思い、それらをやや強調した。最近は黒の絵具をかなり多用しているが、出来上がった絵を写真と並べて見ると、絵はずいぶん明るい。写真ほどの暗さに描くにはどれほどの黒絵具を要するだろう。

By reference to one of photos of Sumiyoshi Park I posted earlier (the top one), I completed a watercolor on August 22. It is to be presented at Bikokai Exhibition this autumn. Transparent watercolors and a F6-size (410 × 318 mm) piece of Holbein's "Water Ford White" watercolor paper were used. The image of the drawing at the time of rough sketch is also shown. In the photo, round, bright spots, made by the sunlight filtering through the trees, were seen on the trunk of the large tree at the left side as well as on the path paved with stone. I thought those spots interesting, so that I stressed them to some extent. I use quite a lot of black paint recently. Comparing the photo with the finished drawing alongside, however, I find the latter much brighter. I wonder how much black paint would be required to make the watercolor as dark as the photo.

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