

なにわのクルーズ・味・歌声 2 (Cruising, Eating and Singing in Osaka -2-)

 昼食は申し込み時の希望によって二手に別れ、法善寺横町(1枚目の写真)の「すし半」での法善寺横町弁当または「道頓堀今井」でのきつねうどんを味わう。妻と私は前者を選んだ。「すし半」で食事をした私たちは、そこへ来る前に添乗員から案内された道を各人が逆にたどり、歌声の集いの会場「道頓堀ZAZA」の前に集合する。(「道頓堀今井」は歌声の集い会場のすぐ隣である。)法善寺横町から道頓堀通りへ「今井」店の横を通って抜ける、一人だけが通れるぐらいの幅の路地がある。「浮世小路」の名があり、2008年頃に6年越しで復元されたということである [1](2枚目の写真、前方が道頓堀方面)。


  1. 道頓堀「浮世小路」に良き時代の大阪を見る! ウェブサイト「企画の王道」.

We enjoyed either Hozenji-yokocho bentō (box lunch specific to Hozenji alley) at the restaurant Sushihan in Hozenji-yokocho (the top photo shows this alley) or kitsune-udon (Japanese macaroni with fried bean curd) at Imai in Dotonbori, according to the desire at the time of application to the event. My wife and I chose the former. After lunch, those who had lunch at Sushihan followed the reverse path, through which the tour conductor had guided us when coming there, to the spot, Dotonbori ZAZA, of the afternoon event (the restaurant Imai is just next to that spot). To come to the front of the restaurant Imai from Hozenji-yokocho, we passed an extremely narrow alley, which had the width suitable for one passenger only (the second photo; Dotonbori street is in the forward direction). The alley has the name "Ukiyokoji" (transitory-world alley) and was restored circa 2008 by spending six years.

Dotonbori ZAZA is located in the basement of the building "Nakaza kuidaore" (the bottom photo). The event of singing began at 1:30 pm by the moderation of a young woman (song leader) and accompaniment of the band "Carnival," and we strongly sang a total of 18 songs together until 3:00 pm, with 15 minutes of rest period in between. On the application card to the event, we were able to request some songs to be sung, so that I wrote a little more than 10 favorite songs. To my surprise, the first song "Mikan-no Hana Saku Oka" (The Hill with Orange Blossoms) was introduced as "the request by Mr. Tabata in Sakai." The fifth song "Natsu-no Omoide" (Summer Memories) was also introduced with my name together with the other person's. (End)

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