

ナンテンの実 (Fruits of Nandina)


Nandina, also known as heavenly bamboo and sacred bamboo; botanical name, Nandina domestica; family, Berberidaceae. The photo was taken on my way of walking exercise, November 21, 2011.


ナンキンハゼの種子 (Seeds of Chinese Tallow Tree)


Chinese tallow tree, also known as Florida aspen, chicken tree and gray popcorn tree; botanical name, Sapium sebiferum; family, Euphorbiaceae. The photo was taken on my way of walking exercise, November 21, 2011.


大放研・先端研50周年記念集会 (The Jubilee Memorial Meeting of RCOP–RIAST)



 * これが大放研の設備を引き継いだ現在の機関の名称。

In the afternoon of November 27 (Sunday), I attended the Jubilee Memorial Meeting of RCOP–RIAST held at Hotel Granvia Osaka. "RCOP" is the acronym of my first place of work (the Radiation Center of Osaka Prefecture); and "RIAST," that of the same institution after being integrated into Osaka Prefecture University (Research Institute of Advanced Science and Technology). So, the names of my places of employment during all my life are contained in the title of this meeting. A few years after my retirement from RIAST, the name of the institution was changed again as given below, as the result of the reorganization of the university. Therefore, the name RIAST, as well as the name RCOP, should properly be preceded by the word "former." The meeting was held because it is now the 50th year from the year in which the opening ceremony of the RCOP was held. The total number of participants was 94, including many persons who worked in the administration department, so that it was a pretty large gathering. Some participants came from distant places such as Tsukuba, Tokyo and Kanazawa.

The top photo shows Mr. Morikazu Itakura, the first Head, Division of General Affairs, talking about the reminiscence of the early days of the RCOP. The bottom photo shows Professor Shuichi Okuda (Director, Radiation Research Center, Local Collaboration Research Establishment, Osaka Prefecture University*) delivering closing remarks. (The meeting was of buffet-style, and at the time of Okuda's remarks, many of the attendees were either sitting on chairs against the wall because of fatigue coming from their old age or gathering around the tables for dessert and coffee at the back of the venue. Thus, I was unable to make this a photo to show how a large number of attendees there were.)

* "Radiation . . . University" is the current name of the institution that keeps the equipment of the RCOP.


サルビア・ミクロフィラ・ホットリップス (Baby Sage)


 可愛らしい花だと思って写真を撮ったが、名前が分からなくて、"Google Images" の検索を使った。キーワードとして、"flower red white autumn" と入れ、出てきた多くの写真を眺めて行くと、同じ花の写真があり、 Salvia microphylla var. "Hot Lips" だと分かった。

Baby sage, Graham's sage, or blackcurrant sage; botanical name, Salvia microphylla var. "Hot Lips"; family, Lamiaceae. The photo was taken on my way of walking exercise, November 14, 2011.

I took the picture of these pretty flowers without knowing the name. So, I made a search on "Google Images" by the use of a set of keywords, "flower, red, white, autumn." Browsing many photos that appeared, I found a similar picture among them and learned the name Salvia microphylla var. "Hot Lips."


ウォーキング経路の秋色 6 (Autumn Colors Along My Walking Course -6-)


The top photo shows the line of cherry and other trees at the back of a factory. Below the bank, there flows the Ishizu River. The middle image is a shot of a flowering-dogwood tree in Suzunomiya Park. The red color of this tree has deepened more than that in the photo taken almost a month before. In the bottom photo, we see autumn colors in the yard of Hattaso Junior High School. Through windows of the corridor portion of the building, autumn colors in another yard beyond are also seen. All the photos were taken on November 21, 2011.


ウォーキング経路の秋色 5 (Autumn Colors Along My Walking Course -5-)


Photos were taken in Kasaike Park, Sakai, on November 14, 2011.


ウォーキング経路の秋色 4 (Autumn Colors Along My Walking Course -4-)


Photos were taken in Hattasō Park, Sakai, on November 13, 2011.


ウォーキング経路の秋色 3 (Autumn Colors Along My Walking Course -3-)


The top photo was taken by the side of Semboku Sports Ground, and the middle and the bottom one, in Hattasō Park, on November 13, 2011.


ウォーキング経路の秋色 2 (Autumn Colors Along My Walking Course -2-)


Top and middle photos show the garden at the backside of Tsukunominami housing complex; and the bottom one, the cherry-tree line in front of the same housing complex in autumn colors. The photos were taken on November 13, 2011.


ウォーキング経路の秋色 1 (Autumn Colors Along My Walking Course -1-)


I took these photos when passing by the side of Suzuomiya Estate on 12 November 2011.


カキノキの実 (Fruits of Kaki Persimmon)


Kaki persimmon or Japanese Persimmon; botanical name, Diospyros kaki; family, Ebenaceae. The photo was taken on my way of walking exercise, November 12, 2011. This tree seems to be of a variety having relatively small fruits.


鈴の宮公園の秋色 2 (Autumn Colors in Suzunomiya Park -2-)


Photos were taken in Suzunomiya Park, Sakai, on November 12. Leaves of red color in the top photo are of the Japanese maple tree, some leaves of which already began to take autumn colors at the end of August. The other maple trees in this park are much slower to take autumn colors than this one. The middle photo shows the distant view of the area around the west entrance of the park (the day before yesterday, I posted photos taken at that area). Turning into autumn colors of cherry leaves is seen to have much more proceeded in the distant view than in a close look. The bottom photo shows a cherry tree near the east end of the pond of the park.

2011年10月分記事へのエム・ワイ君の感想 (M.Y's Comments on the Posts of October 2011)

[In Japanese only]

 M・Y 君から "Ted's Coffeehouse 2" 2011年10月分への感想を2011年11月18日付けで貰った。同君の了承を得て、ここに紹介する。青色の文字をクリックすると、言及されている記事が別ウインドウに開く。

1. 盛会だった福泉・鳳地域「憲法9条」の会5周年のつどい


と述べられています。"Japan must show the flag!" アーミテージ国務副長官のこの一言で自民党は浮き足立ち、小泉首相はアメリカに飛んで大統領に目に見える支援を誓い、米軍の後方支援のため自衛隊をイラクに派遣しました。東日本大震災・福島第一原発事故で自衛隊は献身的に活動し、わが国民のみならず、海外からも賞讃されました。スペインからは、「福島の英雄(警視庁、陸上自衛隊などの5名)」としてアストゥリアス皇太子賞(平和部門)を授賞しました。これらの活躍を後押しするとして、自衛隊を国際紛争の解決に動員できるように「憲法9条」を改訂するようなことがあってはなりません。ご活躍を祈ります。

2. なにわのクルーズ・味・歌声

 さる4日、妻と私は JR 西日本ジパング倶楽部による催し「歌声の集い・なにわの味・道頓堀クルーズ」に参加した。一行約200名は2隻の船に分乗し、天満橋の八軒家浜船着場を出発。(中略)間もなく、東横堀川水門を通る。水位差を調節しながら進む水門の通過は、ライン河・マイン河クルーズで経験したが、国内では初めての経験である。(中略)約1時間後、道頓堀の太左衛門橋船着場に到着した。(中略)法善寺横町の「すし半」で食事し、(中略)歌声の集いの会場「道頓堀ZAZA」の前に集合する。(中略)若い女性ソングリーダーの司会・進行とバンドの演奏で、休憩を挟んで3時まで、全18曲を一同が元気に歌った。参加申し込み時に、歌のリクェストを書くことが出来たので、私の愛唱歌を10余りも書き並べておいたところ、最初の「ミカンの花咲く丘」で、「堺市にお住まいの多幡さんのリクェスト」と紹介されて驚いた。5曲目の「夏の思い出」でも、他の方の名とともに私の名がリクェスト者として挙げられた。


3. 写真


花だけが咲いていた頃には、何という名の花だろうと思いながら見ていたが、このところ、実がなって花もまだ残っていたので、名前がわかった。幼い頃、母が両手を組み合わせて、手首の方を私に見せ、「実のあるザクロか? ないザクロか?」といって遊んでくれた。





 * 天声人語子の名文と並べて紹介していただき、恐縮です。

 ** 下半身の影は、足が長く見えるように地上に残しました(塀がちょうど、全身の影を写すほど高くなかったこともありますが)。したがって、この写真で「低位置の太陽が地面に写す全身の影が、とてもひょろ長くなることを示す」というのは、結果的にそうなっていることについての M・Y 君の解釈で、私の意図ではありませんでした(笑)。


理論物理学者・歌人・石原純 (The Japanese Theoretical Physicist and Poet, Jun Ishiwara)

Read in English.

 『科学ジャーナリズムの先駆者:評伝 石原純』[1] という本の批評 [2] を読んだ。その最初には、次のように書かれている。





ここで私は『日本の物理学史 下 資料編』[3] に石原の欧文論文が一編収録されていたことを思い出し、書棚から取り出して見た。

 石原(1881〜1947)が一般的量子条件をウィルソン(W. Wilson)やゾンマーフェルド(A. Sommerfeld)とは独立に見出した論文。

という紹介があって、ドイツ語の論文 [4] が引用されている。同じ論文は、文献 5 にも同様に紹介されている。文献 3 には、石原が和文で書いた2編 [6, 7] も収録されている。



石原の恋愛事件については、彼の歌人としての活動と合わせて、『ウィキペディア』[8] にやや詳しく記されている。



  1. 西尾成子, "科学ジャーナリズムの先駆者:評伝石原純," 岩波 (2011).

  2. 辻篤子, "物理学のあり方論じた真の科学者,"『朝日新聞』(2011年11月13日).

  3. 日本物理学会編, "日本の物理学史," 下 資料編 (東海大学出版会, 1978).

  4. J. Ishiwara, "Die universelle Bedeutung des Wirkungsquantums,"『東京数学物理学会記事』, Ser. 2, Vol. 8, pp. 106–116 (1915).

  5. "Twentieth Century Physics," Vol. 1, L. M. Brown, A. Pais and B. Pippard 編 (Institute of Physics, 1995) 所収.

  6. 石原純, "アインスタイン印象記,"『アインスタインと相対性理論』石原純著 (改造社, 1921) pp. 137–160 所収.

  7. 石原純, "地震と科学教育,"『現代の自然科学』石原純著 (1924) pp. 133–152 所収

  8. "石原純,"『ウィキペディア:フリー百科事典』[2011年11月16日 (水) 16:10].


鈴の宮公園の秋色 1 (Autumn Colors in Suzunomiya Park -1-)


In Suzunomiya Park, Sakai, on November 12, turning of cherry leaves into autumn colors was still in progress. The top picture shows the view, from the north, of the foot path at the west entrance of the park. I like the scenery in which a small amount of cherry leaves in yellow or orange is shining in gold against the light. So, I take a photo similar to this each year. The bottom picture shows the perspective, from the west, of a pond at the center of the park. In the edge area of the pond a little beyond a shelter, we sometimes see people who enjoy fishing.


夢の中のように (Just Like in the Dream)


 先日、八田荘公園に、夢とまがうばかりの、この季節にしては珍しい、大きなピンクの花が咲いているのを見た(写真;一枚目は最初に見た位置から逆光状態で撮影。二枚目は反対側の高くなっている地面で、近づいて撮影)。帰宅後、『花おりおり』の9〜12月のページを第1巻から順に見て行き、最後の第5巻でようやく似た花を見つけた(9月の章、p. 104)。それは赤い花だったが、形は私の見たものにそっくりで、「ダリア一重」とあった。ダリアの「品種数は三万を超え、花卉では五指に入ろう」とある。


A few years ago, I began to take pictures of flowers while walking. The original purpose was to increase the impact of blog pages with photos having no relation to the blog article. These days, however, my blog pages have begun to provide such an impression that its main purpose is to post pictures of flowers. My passion for taking pictures of flowers was so heightened that I often dream a dream of myself trying to get a picture of a rare flower without success.

The other day in Hattaso Park, Sakai, I saw such large, pink flowers that were rarely seen in this season (see the above photos; the top one was shot in the backlit situation as I first saw them; and the bottom one is a closer shot on the other side, where the ground was higher than the first position). After returning home, I browsed the pages of flowers from September to December in the books "Hana Oriori (Flowers in Each Season) Volume 1 to 5." In the last volume (Chapter "September," p. 104), I finally found a red flower, whose shape is quite similar to that of flowers in Hattaso Park. Its name was "single-flower dahlia." There was the following description: The number of varieties of dahlia is more than thirty thousand, probably being among the top five of flowers.

Note added later: I learned that the plant in the photo is called tree dahlia (botanical name, Dahlia imperialis; family, Asteraceae).


キク (Chrysanthemums)


Chrysanthemums, often called mums or chrysanths (genus); botanical name, Chrysanthemum; family, Anthemideae. Photos war taken on my way of walking exercise, November 12 and 14, 2011.


竹林 (The Bamboo Grove)

 わが家から鈴の宮公園へ行く途中、公園にかなり近づいてから二通りの上り坂のどちらかを選ぶことになる。左の坂を選んで進むと、上掲の写真のような竹林が左手に見える。その全体像をカメラに収めたところ、竹林の姿が楕円に近い形をしていて、映像処理ソフトの "matte" メニューを施したかのような感じの写真になった(2011年11月12日撮影)。

On my way to Suzunomiya Park, I have to choose one of two ways upward at a place fairly close to the park. Selecting the left way, I see on my left a bamboo grove as seen in the above photo. The total view of the grove from the road has an oval shape. Thus, the photo looks as if it were treated by the "matte" menu of an image processing program (the photo was taken on November 12, 2011).

 お知らせ (Notice) 消滅した別サイトの記事をアーカイブに復元中。2005年6月分が完成。 (Blog posts at the site that disappeared are now under recovery in archives of this site. The archive of June 2005 is now complete.)


季節外れのオシロイバナ (Four O'clock Flower Blooming Out of Season)


Four o'clock flower or marvel of Peru; botanical name, Mirabilis jalapa; family, Nyctaginaceae. Photos were taken on my way of walking exercise, November 10, 2011. Flowers of this plant are at best in summer. In that season, these flowers open in the evening and wither the next morning, so that I was unable to take pictures of them during my walking time. In autumn, however, they are blooming until late morning, and I got the above shots.


リュウゼツランの仲間 (Spanish Dagger)


Spanish dagger, moundlily Yucca, Soft-tipped Yucca, Spanish bayonet or sea islands Yucca; botanical name, Yucca gloriosa; family, Asparagaceae. The photo was taken on my way of walking exercise, November 10, 2011. Somehow the Japanese name of this plant atsubakimigayoran includes the word Kimigayo (the title of the Japanese anthem, meaning Emperor's era). I oppose the forcing of singing Kimigayo in school ceremonies. So, I have avoided using this name for the Japanese title of this blog post, writing the words to express "the plant in the same family as agave."


異形かと思えば… (Not An Abnormal Shape)


Among the flowers I mentioned in the earlier blog post "Still Blooming Crinum asiaticum in Our Yard," I found one in a shape different from normal ones (see the flower at lower left in the above photo, which was taken on November 8, 2011). The next morning, however, I saw it changed into the same shape as the other flowers that were blooming above it. It seems that I saw for the first time the appearance of the flower in the period of just beginning to open. The reason for the fact that this period had escaped my observation until this time is probably that its length is too short to be noticed in summer.


ツワブキ (Leopard Plant)


Leopard plant, also known as green leopard plant and ligularia; botanical name, Farfugium japonicum; family, Asteraceae. The photo was taken in Ōtori Park, Sakai, November 6, 2011.


母校を訪れる (Visit to My Alma Mater)


Yesterday afternoon, I was invited by a professor at Department of Physics, Kyoto University. The purpose was to provide comments on the experiment made by one of his graduate students at the radiation facility of my former work place. I visited the campus of Faculty of Science, Kyoto University, a few times after my getting Dr's degree, but this was the first time to enter the new building of Department of Physics. There is a campus road going straight from the gate to the northern end, and the road is lined with Ginkgo trees (see the above photo). Leaves of the trees were not yet showing full autumn color. However, the trees were much taller than my student days, and I felt it quite pleasant to walk under them.


カエデの紅葉 (Maple Leaves in Autumn Color)


The photo was taken in front of a shopping mall in Otori, Sakai, on November 6, 2011.


わが家のケイトウ (Plumed Cockscomb in Our Yard)


One of seeds from a flower a few years ago produced a sprout at the corner of a planter, and the sprout has now grown to display flowers. The photo was taken in our yard, November 6, 2011.


紅葉愛づる虫 (The Insect Appreciating Autumn Colors)


Leaves are those of flowering dogwood, and the insect is perhaps a bee. The photo was taken on my way of walking exercise, November 6, 2011.


11月の最高気温更新 (New Records of Maximum Temperature in November)


Yesterday (October 4), it became sunny nationwide. At more than 70 locations mainly in West Japan, the maximum temperature record in November was renewed; for example, 29.4 degrees in Isen-cho, Kagoshima. Our city of Sakai also produced the new record of 26.8 degrees. The reason is attributed to the fact that cold air from the continent is weaker this year than usual. (The photo was taken in the garden of apartment buildings near the Otori station on October 4.)


クロガネモチの実 (Fruits of Round Leaf Holly)


Round Leaf Holly; botanical name, Ilex rotunda; family, Aquifoliaceae. The photo was taken in Ōtori Park, Sakai, November 4, 2011.


まだ咲くわが家のハマユウ (Still Blooming Crinum asiaticum in Our Yard)


Though the flowering season of Crinum asiaticum is summer, a plant of this species in our yard continues to bloom even in November this year. Perhaps because of the lack of sunlight, however, its stalk is quite crooked. The photo was taken on November 2, 2011.


第25回美交会展会場風景 (Scenes of the 25th Bikokai Exhibition)


The above photos were taken at the venue of the 25th Bikokai Exhibition, November 2, 2011.


第25回美交会展開催中 (The 25th Bikokai Exhibition Being Held)


The 25th Bikokai Exhibition is being held at the entrance hall of the main building, Sakai City Hall, Sakai, until November 3, 2011. The photo shows my watercolors at the exhibition, "Three Fourths Foliage in Autumn Colors" (left) and "Shiokake Road in Sumiyoshi Park" (right; now entitled "Sunlight Filtering through Trees"). We should be glad if you could come to see the exhibition and give us critical comments on our works.