

『源氏物語 千年の謎』 ["Genji Monogatari: Sennen no Nazo (Tale of Genji: A Thousand Year Enigma)"]

映画『源氏物語 千年の謎』のチラシから。

 昨日、妻と近くのシネマ・コンプレックスで、鶴橋康夫監督による映画『源氏物語 千年の謎』[1] を見た。私がこの映画を見たいと思ったのは、母が買い、そして読み残して逝った『潤一郎新々訳 源氏物語』全五巻を、私も二巻の途中で読み止めてあり、その続きを読みたいという気が少しでも起こればと思ってのことである。


  インターネットで見られる専門的な批評としては、The Japan Times のものがある [2]。紫式部役の中谷美紀の演技はかなり褒めてあるが、生田斗真の演じた光源氏には血肉が通っていないとある。私も全く同感である。

Yesterday, my wife and I went to the nearby cinema complex to watch the movie "Genji Monogatari: Sennen no Nazo (Tale of Genji: A Thousand Year Enigma)" directed by Yasuo Tsuruhashi [1]. I wanted to see this movie because of the following reason: My mother died leaving the modern Japanese translation (five volumes) of "Tale of Genji" by Jun'ichiro Tanizaki; I also stopped reading it somewhere in volume 2; so, the film might arouse my desire to read the rest of the volumes.

Surely, I got the effect expected to some extent. However, it is not because of the fact that the movie was quite respectable but because of the thought that I should get a flavor and pleasure from the volumes pretty different from those given by the movie.

One of professional reviews we can see on the Internet is that of The Japan Times [2]. The reviewer writes, "[Miki] Nakatani perfectly embodies Murasaki in everything from her sly wiles to her iron will, […]. Meanwhile, [Toma] Ikuta's Genji remains more of a romance novel fantasy figure than a flesh-and-blood man." I fully agree with him.

  1. 映画『源氏物語 千年の謎』公式サイト
  2. Mark Shilling, 'Genji Monogatari: Sennen no Nazo (Tale of Genji — A Thousand Year Enigma)': Romance writ large as the classic 'Genji' tale goes big-budget, Japan Times (December 9, 2011).

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