

木の根っこ 3 (Roots of Trees -3-)

 「木の根っこ」写真シリーズを、きょうまで3回にわたって掲載した。それらの写真のうち、初回にあら筋を紹介した A さんの詩に添える1枚として私が選ぶのは、どれだと読者の皆さんはお考えだろうか。



A series of photos, "Roots of Trees," has been posted until today. Which one among these photos, do you think, I choose to make it accompany Ms. A's poem mentioned in the first post of the series?

I have decided to choose the third photo in the first post of the series. In spite of the lack of a broad spread of roots, that photo shows a thick stem, suggesting the presence of a huge root under the ground such as described in the following lines of that poem: ... / Then it is further connected to the big, big, big root / tightly enough / — to the root of the name US—. / ...

Today's bottom photo reminds me of my mischief to ants that were working to make their nest. I moved some of ants from the group to another place. Then, they began to create a new nest at the new place. It was as if they had followed my direction. So, I was glad to see their work.

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