

歌声喫茶・イン・ウェスティ (Utagoe Coffeehouse in Westy)

 昨日午後、近くの西文化会館(ウェスティ)のセミナールームで行なわれた催し「歌声喫茶 IN ウェスティ」に参加した。一昨年秋に続いて2回目の同じ催しで、約70名の参加者中、2回目の参加者は私を含めて10数名程度と、意外に少数だった。前回同様、参加者の多くは年配の女性たちである。


 開会前に書いて提出した私のリクェスト3曲中の2曲、「早春賦」[1] と「故郷を離るる歌 [2, 3]」(原題 Der letzte Abend [4, 5])が採用になり、「原爆を許すまじ」[6] は不採用だった。隣の席にいた男性に生年を聞かれて答えると、「若い!」といわれた。彼は私より10歳年下ということだったから、私が楽しく歌っている様子を若わかしいと見てくれた言葉のようだ。


Yesterday afternoon, I joined the event "Utagoe Coffeehouse in Westy" held at the seminar room of Nishi Culture Hall (Westy), Sakai. The first of the same event was held in October 2010. The number of people who joined the second time was a little over 10, including me, among the total of about 70 participants and was unexpectedly small. As before, many of the participants were older women.

The presenter and song leader, Yoko Ichinose, said that she had been born in the year of the dragon, so that I thought her to be 48 years old. However, she revealed in her later speech that she was 60 years old. Considering from her age, she is quite a lively woman.

I submitted three request songs before the opening of the event. Two songs among them, "Sōshunfu (Song of Early Spring)" [1] and "Kokyō wo Hanaruru Uta [2, 3] (Original title, Der letzte Abend [4, 5])", were adopted for our singing. My request not adopted was "Gembaku wo Yurusumaji (No A Bomb)" [6]. A young man sitting next to me asked my year of birth. After hearing my answer, he said, "Young!" Since he was 10 years younger than me, his word must have meant that I had fun singing with youthful look.

Every day when I go to the event at Westy these years, it rains. When I went out from the house, it was already raining after forty-something days. After the event, it was raining quite severely. In spite of such weather, I came back in a pleasant mood still singing some of my favorite songs.

  1. 早春賦 / 佐藤しのぶ, YouTube. (Note added later: Link broken.)
  2. 故郷を離るる歌 (mp3).
  3. 故郷を離るる歌(高音質ステレオ)東京児童合唱団, YouTube. (Note added later: Link broken.)
  4. Der letzte Abend.
  5. Der Letzte Abend (German folk song), St. Andrew's High School Guitar Club OB Ensemble, YouTube.
  6. 原爆を許すまじ (No A Bomb), アンサンブル・ヴェルソー, 高峰秀子, 他.

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