

別刷り請求の古きよき時代 2 (Good Old Days of Requesting Reprints -2-)


 上掲のイメージで、左側の3通は、いずれもアメリカからのもので、一番上は国立標準局(NBS、現国立標準技術研究所 NIST)にいた故ジョン・ハッブル氏(1925–2007; 光子源弱係数の計算とそのデータの収集・評価によって、研究者の間ではよく知られている)がいつもこの絵葉書を使ってまめに請求して来た。葉書にあるのは、その頃新しくなった NBS の建物群の俯瞰図である。

 ハッブル氏の葉書の下にあるのは、差出人の部分をはがして、別刷りを送る封書に宛先として貼るために使えるようになっているものである。その下は、Institute for Scientific Information 作成の "Request-a-print" と称する葉書で、はがして貼るための部分が2ヵ所ある。上部のほうは、宛先を書いてはがし、この葉書の表に貼ってある。下部の差出人欄の文字は、上部のタイプライターの文字と異なり、コンピュータ出力のように見えるところから、多数枚の葉書にまとめて打ち込んだものと思われる。2枚のはがして貼る方式の葉書は、どちらも1976年に届いている。便利な葉書が出来たものだと思ったが、20年ほどで eメール時代になり、これらもいまでは過去の遺物になったであろう。


When writing the first part of this story, I discarded about one-third of postcards for reprint request, which I had received in later years of my working period. After that, the remaining two bundles, which had arrived from the 1960s to 1976, came out. This time, I counted the number of cards. They amounted a total of 137. Fifty-four cards among them (about 40%) had postage stamps; and the others, pressed stamps of payment receipt. The percentage of cards that carried postage stamps were larger than I thought.

In the above image, all the three cards on the left came from the United States. I received the top one from the late John Hubbell (1925–2007; well known in the scientific community for his evaluations, computations and compilations of photon cross sections and attenuation coefficients) at the National Bureau of Standards (presently National Institute of Standards and Technology, NBS). He very often requested me a reprint by the same picture card, on which a bird's-eye view of new (in those days) NBS buildings was printed.

The postcard below Hubbell's is the one specially made for reprint requesting, so that the portion for the sender could be peeled off for use on the envelope of the packet to send a reprint. At the bottom left is a card called "Request-a-print," made by the Institute for Scientific Information. Two portions can be peeled off from this card. The upper is for the addressee and is pasted to the front side of the postcard. The lower is for the sender. The type face in the latter portion is different from that in the former and is considered as the computer output used for multiple cards at once. I received both these two cards in 1976 and thought that they were quite appropriate products. However, use of email began after about 20 years, and those convenient cards might also have become obsolete.

Four postcards on the right of the above picture are from countries of names not so often heard of (in the meaning of either "currently not so often …" or "not so often … in our research area at least"). From the top to bottom, they came from the former Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR; CCCP in Russian), former Deutsche Demokratische Republik (DDR or East Germany), People's Republic of Romania (now simply called Romania) and Portugal (officially the Portuguese Republic). In the former USSR and DDR, there were researchers energetically studying topics similar to ours, and we had some academic interactions. However, we probably had no contact with researchers in Portugal and Romania except for sending reprints requested.

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