

海外向け手紙の精力的な書き手 (The Vigorous Writer of Letters to Overseas Colleagues)


 先般、あるウェブサイト上の記事 [1] を読んだ。それは、ウォルター・アイザックソンによるアインシュタインの伝記 [2] について記したもので、「E メールもない当時、手書きの手紙が大陸を越えて、友人、家族、仕事仲間の間で大量に行き交ったことを興味深く思った」旨の記述があった。私の海外研究者宛の手紙は、手書きでなく、初期にはタイプライターで、後にはパソコンで書いたものである。その中間では、IBM の電動タイプライターをパソコンからの信号で叩く「マイプライター」と称する装置をしばらく使ったこともある。e メールを使うようになったのは、1995年からだったと思うが、郵便による手紙の交換はすぐにはなくならなかった。(文献リストは英文の後。)

While discarding old and unnecessary things, I was surprised to find that I had so many files of business letters that came from overseas researchers during my working years. (See the above photo. Files without specification contain letters from 1995 to 2001). These files indicate that I wrote almost the same number of letters to foreign researchers. In addition to these files, there are two other, similar files. Those files contain letters from the editors and referees about my contribution to overseas journals. Domestic letters were also contained in separate files, most of which were already discarded.

Recently I read an article on the web site, which wrote about the biography of Einstein by Walter Isaacson. There was the following passage:

I was fascinated by the amount of handwritten letters that went back and forth across continents and between friends, family, and work colleagues; people got so much done back then even without email!

My letter to foreign researchers were not written by hand but written with a typewriter earlier and with a personal computer later. Between these two methods, I used, for a short time, the device of the name "Mypewriter" that hit keys of an IBM electric typewriter by the signals from a personal computer. I probably started to use e-mail from 1995, but the exchange of letters by postal mail did not disappear soon.


  1. Max Mednik, Notes on Einstein by Walter Isaacson (2012).
  2. Walter Isaacson, Einstein: His Life and Universe (Simon & Schuster, 2007).

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