

オランダ、ベルギー運河の船旅 8 (Cruise on Canals in the Netherlands and Belgium -8-)

『スケートをする人々のいる冬景色』(1608頃) ヘンドリック・アーフェルカンプ
Hendrik Avercamp's Winter Landscape with Iceskaters (ca. 1608)

『青い服の娘』(1641) ヨハネス・コルネリス・フェルスプロンク
Johannes Cornelisz Verspronck's Girl in Blue (1641)

『牛乳を注ぐ女』(1658–16601) ヨハネス・フェルメール
Johannes Vermeer's The Milkmaid (1658–16601)

『夜警』(1642) レンブラント・ファン・レイン
Rembrandt Harmenszoon van Rijn's The Night Watch (1642)


Our schedule for the morning of April 17 was sightseeing in the city of Amsterdam. We took a bus from the harbor. While listening to the description of the city given by a local tour guide (a young Japanese man), we passed by Amsterdam Centraal railway station and arrived quickly to the Rijksmuseum. The main building of the museum is under renovation until 2013, so that we were able to appreciate artworks gathered in the annex only. However, we thoroughly enjoyed such works as shown above. (Taking photos without flashing is allowed in the museum. The copyrights of the original works of the above images have expired. Thus, it is free to use the images of those wonderful works in my poor blog post.)


 アムステルダム国立美術館前の広場には、大きな "I amsterdam" の文字(高さ2m強、幅23.5m強)があり、市のシンボル、そしてまた、観光客の絶好の撮影スポットともなっている(上の写真。幅が広過ぎて、終わりの am の文字が入らなかった)。引き続いて、美術館近くのコスター・ダイヤモンド(カット技術を誇るダイヤモンドの老舗)の工房を見学したが、写真は撮っていない。

The large letters of I amsterdam at the Museumplein, in front of the Rijksmuseum, are more than 2 m tall, and 23.5 m wide in total, having become the symbol of the city as well as a favourite for visitors to be photographed with (in my photo above, they were too wide to include the last letters of am.) Next, we visited Coster Diamonds (one of the oldest still operating diamond polishing factories in Amsterdam) located near the Rijksmuseum in order to look at techniques displayed in its workshops, but I did not take any photo there.


On the way back in the bus, the local tour guide told us that the people living in houses on canals were polluting canal water and that this was becoming a serious problem. The photo above, taken from the bus window, shows a view of the city including such houses on a canal. (To be continued)

2 件のコメント:

  1. 幼少の頃から絵を描くのが趣味なので、ゆっくりと美術館で絵を見る勉強もやりたくなりました♫

  2. みどかさん
