

オランダ、ベルギー運河の船旅 9 (Cruise on Canals in the Netherlands and Belgium -9-)


The schedule for the afternoon of April 17 was "cruising comfortably." Our ship set sail from Amsterdam to Rotterdam at 13:45. We relaxed in the cabin looking the coastal scenery of the canal.

沿岸風景。Coastal landscape.

沿岸風景のスケッチ。Sketch of coastal landscape.

 15:30から3階の展望ラウンジで、挨拶などの簡単なオランダ語の講座が開かれる。講師は副船長の William Horstman さん。おはようございます = Goedemorgen. こんばんは = Goedenavond. どうもありがとう = Dank u well. さようなら = Tot ziens. などなど。

From 15:30, a Dutch conversation course was held in the lounge on the third floor. We learned basic greeting words etc. from Vice-captain William Horstman. Good morning = Goedemorgen. Good evening = Goedenavond. Thank you very much = Dank u wel. Good bye = Tot ziens. …


Sketch made while our ship was waiting for the passage through a lock. A lock is a device for raising and lowering boats between stretches of water of different levels on river and canal waterways. We passed many locks in this cruise.


Our ship, whose starboard is seen on the left, has enters the lock, and the water
level is about to be raised to the level of the forward channel.


The water level has been adjusted, and the door at the front is being lifted to pass the ship. At the same time, the door of the lock at the right side is coming down for the preparation of passing another ship.

(つづく)(To be continued)

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