

オランダ、ベルギー運河の船旅 20 (Cruise on Canals in the Netherlands and Belgium -20-)

 4月20日、午前9時に下船し、ベルギー第2の都市・アントワープ市内の観光に出かける。港から市内まではバスで約10分。説明を聞いた建物などの名前はおおかた忘れてしまったが、幸いインターネットで調べることが出来る。"Antwerp Tourist Guide""A View on Cities: Antwerp" というウェブサイトが特に役立つ。

On April 20, we went out from the ship at 9 am for sightseeing in the second largest city of Belgium, Antwerp. It took about 10 minutes by bus to go from the harbor to the city center. I forgot most of the names of buildings, etc. I heard during sightseeing. However, those can fortunately be found on the Internet. The Web sites, "Antwerp Tourist Guide" and "A View on Cities: Antwerp," are particularly useful.

Hansahuis (Hansa House), Decorated with sculptures symbolizing the shipping industry, trade and the Scheldt, Rhine, Wezer and Elbe rivers.

Cathedral of our Lady tower, viewed in front of Hansahuis. The cathedral is one of the most known of Antwerp buildings and the biggest Gothic church of the Low Lands. It was finished in 1521 after about 170 years of construction.

"Het Steen" Castle, an important military asset, built between 1200 and 1225, and restored from 1953 to 1958.

Vleeshuis (Butcher's Hall), a 500 year old gothic building. It reopened in 2006 as the City Sounds Museum, a museum of music.

(つづく) (To be continued)

2 件のコメント:

  1. 建造物が立派で、日本とは違い、昔からの建物を大事にする慣習があると感じさせられました...

  2. ノートルダム大聖堂については、内部の写真も後で出て来ます。ご期待下さい。
