

映画『ジェーン・エア』 (The Film "Jane Eyre")

Poster of the film "Jane Eyre."


 その年の夏休みに、生まれて初めての一人旅で、隣県の漁村(いまは氷見市の一部)の伯母の家を訪ね、何日か滞在した。その間に、従姉が持っていた本を借りて読んだのである。少年少女向きの抄訳だったかも知れない。ジェーンが家庭教師として住み込んだ大きな屋敷(ソーンフィールド荘)に、不可解な人物が出没する不気味さが最も印象に残った。ヒロインの生き方に興味を抱きながら、遠藤寿子訳の岩波文庫版で読んだのは、大学4年生のときである。さらに約10年前、NHK のラジオ番組「原書で読む世界の名作」(2008年3月末に放送終了)の時間に、テキストとなっていたペンギンの短縮版を見ながら聞きもした。


 Guardian 紙の批評は、欠点のない映画であるとしながらも、ジェーンとロチェスター氏の感情の燃え上がりが描き足りない旨を述べている。しかし、私はこれで十分だと思う。大阪民主新報紙の批評 [1] には、「美しさより聡明さによって愛を獲得したジェーン役にミア・ワシコウスカはぴったり」という言葉がある。これは一見、ミア・ワシコウスカが美しさに欠けることを含意するかのようだが、決してそうではなく、自らの美しさを押さえて聡明さを表すことが巧み、という意味だろう。

文 献

  1. 「ジェーン・エア:歳月を越える普遍的ヒロイン」大阪民主新報, シネマタイム欄 (2012年5月27日).

Yesterday, I went to Osaka Station Cinema City, which was born just last year, to see the 2011 film "Jane Eyre" directed by Cary Joji Fukunaga. The long relationship between the original novel, written by Charlotte Brontë, of this movie and me started in the year when I was in the first grade of a junior high school.

In the summer vacation of that year, I made the first trip by myself to visit my aunt's in the fishing village of the neighboring prefecture (now part of the Himi City). There, I stayed for a few days and read the book of "Jane Eyre," which my cousin had. It might have been a shortened Japanese translation for young people. Eerie haunting of a strange person in the large house (Thornfield Hall), where Jane lived as a governess, was the most impressive to me at that time. In the fourth grade of the university, I read the Iwanami version of Japanese translation by Hisako Endo, being interested in heroin's attitude toward life. It was about 10 years ago that I listened to "Jane Eyre" in the NHK radio program "Reading world's masterpieces in the original," which used the Penguin abridged version as the text.

In spite of such a long relationship, I did not remember almost anything about the following scene in the latter half of the novel: After leaving Thornfield Hall, Jane wandered around the vast plateau filled with heather. However, the film begins with this scene, which is shown again at the fitting place of the story. In my mind, such a plateau is strongly associated rather with "Wuthering Heights," written by Emily Brontë, one of younger sisters of Charlotte Brontë.

The review of this film in The Guardian says, "I can't fault [this film]. ... But I kept waiting for a blaze of emotion of between Jane and Rochester, and it somehow never quite came." However, I think that the expression of their passion in this film is sufficient. In The Osaka Minshu Shimpō [1], I found a review with the words, "Mia Wasikowska is perfect for the role of Jane, who won the love by her sagacity rather than her beauty." At first glance, these words seem to imply that Mia Wasikowska lacks beauty. However, these must have been written to mean that she was talented enough to express sagacity by suppressing her own beauty.


  1. "Jane Eyre: Universal heroine beyond the age," Osaka Minshu Shimpō, "Cinema time" column (May 27, 2012) In Japanese.

2 件のコメント:

  1. 大阪駅、すっごく変わってて吃驚しましたwww


  2. 冒頭に「昨年誕生したばかり」と書きましたが、よく大阪の街へ出かける人からは、「1年以上も前のことだよ」といわれそうです。
