

オランダ、ベルギー運河の船旅 38 (Cruise on Canals in the Netherlands and Belgium -38-)

 4月22日、クレラー・ミュラー美術館から船へ戻ったのは 12:30 頃。船は 13:00 にナイメーヘンを出港し、ルールモントへ向う。昼食は和食弁当、また、15:30 からのティータイムは日本茶と和菓子で、久しぶりに日本の懐かしい味を楽しむ。

 ところで、河のクルーズ船「セレナーデ II 号」を英語では、ship というのがよいか、boat というのがよいか迷っていたところ、"On the importance of names, part two. What’s the difference between a boat and a ship?" というブログ記事が「サイエンティフィック・アメリカン」のウェブサイトに載った。これは面白い記事だが、「セレナーデ II 号」についてはまだ判然としない。

On April 22, we came back from Kröller–Müller Museum to the ship around 12:30. The ship set sail from Nijmegen at 13:00 to go to Roermond. On that day, lunch was served in the Japanese style, and we also had the Japanese tea and sweets at the tea time from 15:30. So, we enjoyed nostalgic tastes of Japan after a good while.

By the way, I have been wondering which is appropriate to call our cruiser Serenade II a ship or a boat, and have found the blog post "On the importance of names, part two. What’s the difference between a boat and a ship?" at the Web site of Scientific American. This is a fascinating article, but the answer is not yet clear about Serenade II.

Sketch during the "comfortable cruise" of the afternoon.

Landscapes similar to the sketch above pass before our eyes one after another.

Children of houses at the coast ...

Came running ...

And exchanged words for a short time with people in the cabin on the second floor. There was also a person who blew soap bubbles from the cabin to make the children rejoice. (These photos of children were taken from the deck on the third floor.)

(つづく) (To be continued)

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