

オランダ、ベルギー運河の船旅 43 (Cruise on Canals in the Netherlands and Belgium -43-)

「フロリアード 2012」会場での写真(続き)。今回掲載する写真は、多分、すべて「ヴィラ・フローラ(花館)」内で撮ったものである。
Continuation of photos taken at Floriade 2012. All the photos in this post were probably taken at Villa Flora.

フリンジ付きチューリップ、Tulipa 'Cummins'。
Fringed tulip, Tulipa 'Cummins.'

Kalanchoe pinnata (Lam.) Pers. We have this plant in my home, and I thought that I have never seen it bloom at the top of such short stalks. From this picture, however, it seems that this impression was caused by their being planted much lower than the floor.

The card attached to the pot at the center reads as follows(中央の鉢に付けられている札には次の通り書かれている): Mitoniopsis 'EASTERN BAT Russian' from Yamanashi, Japan.

(つづく) (To be continued)

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