

大津で (In Otsu)


On July 15, Ms. N (age 83), who is a medical doctor in Saitama and our family friend since we saw her and her husband on the occasion of a cruise around Japan in 2007, came to attend a lecture held in Osaka by Koyasan University. Koyasan University is the place where N's husband spent his last days in the fall of 2008. Ms. N stayed at Miyako Hotel in Kyoto at the night of July 15. So, my wife and I went there to see her and guided her to Otsu. Shown below are photographs taken in Otsu.

First, we had lunch at the Japanese restaurant on the 36th floor of Ōtsu Prince Hotel, while watching the scenery of Lake Biwa.

Then, we took the Michigan paddle steamer at Ōtsu Prince Hotel Port (also called Nionohama Sightseeing Port) in front of the hotel, for a cruise of 90 minutes on Lake Biwa. The photo shows "Michigan" approaching the port. We casually took seats on the third floor and was able to enjoy the live stage show that took place just in front of us.

ミシガン号は南湖を一周して、大津港へ。一連の噴水(一部分しか写っていない)は「びわこ花噴水」と名づけられていて、夜間には3色の光(透明、橙、緑)によってライトアップされるという。右端の噴水の向こうに、三上山(近江富士) が見える。
After going around on the south lake, Michigan came to Ōtsu Port. We saw there a set of fountains (only part of it is seen in the photo). The set is named Flower Fountains of Lake Biwa, and is illuminated by the light of three colors (white, orange and green) at night. Beyond the rightmost fountain, Mt. Mikami (also called Mt. Ōmi Fuji) is visible.

Michigan comes back to Ōtsu Prince Hotel port.

From the port, we saw Ōtsu Prince Hotel towering before our eyes. We went into the hotel again and relaxed over a cup of coffee for a while at the lobby lounge.

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