

オランダ、ベルギー運河の船旅 53 (Cruise on Canals in the Netherlands and Belgium -53-)

 4月24日、KLM オランダ航空の 14:40 発の便で帰国の途についた。上の写真は、KLM 国際線のビジネスクラス乗客へのプレゼントで、オランダの家々をデルフト焼きでかたどったもの。屋根の後方の煙突が蓋をしたような形になっているのは、中にオランダのジン(Jenever または Genever の名でも知られている)を入れてあるためである。往きの便では、オランダ人の客室乗務員が私たち夫婦に2個を黙って差し出した。私が "What are these?" と言うと、彼女は小さなカタログをまた黙って差し出した。それで私は、彼女がそれを売ろうとしているのかと思って、"No, thank you." と言ってしまい、貰い損ねた。旅行中、同行の人たちから、あれはプレゼントだと聞き、残念に思っていた。

 帰りの便で同じプレゼントを私たちの座席へ配りに来たのが日本人乗務員だったこともあって、往きの便で貰い損ねたことを話すと、親切にその分も渡してくれた。これらの家のミニチュアは、すべて実在の家を表していて、カタログにはそれぞれのミニチュアのモデルとなった家のある都市名も記してある。近年、このミニチュアは収集家たちの格好の興味対象にもなっているという。国際規則では 75 セント以上のプレゼントを乗客に渡してはいけないことになっているが、ミニチュアの家は提供する飲み物の容器(それを乗客が勝手に持ち帰るということか)なので、規則にふれないらしい(KLM のウェブページ Discover all our houses で "About KLM houses" のボタンをクリックするとこのような説明が出る)。

 4月25日、8:50 頃、関西空港へ無事帰着した。家へたどり着いてみると、この旅のメイン・イベントだった観光の目的地「フロリアード 2012」に、密度としては負けないくらい*、わが家の庭にも春の花々が咲き誇っていた。「わが家もフロリアード状態!」と言って、妻と笑い合った(英文のあとの写真参照)。(これらの写真は、それぞれの花の見頃に撮ったものを選んだので、撮影日は帰国当日から5日後の4月30日までに及んでいる。例年は、これらの花が咲くにつれて写真を1〜4枚ずつ掲載していたが、今年は4ヵ月ほども遅れて、まとめて載せることになった。これらは旅行中の写真ではないが、無事帰国と留守中のわが家の安泰への安堵感を表す写真も旅行記の一部になろうかと思ってここに含める次第である)。

* フロリアードの会場は広大だったため、花が一杯あふれているという感じではなかった。

On April 24, we made the return trip home by the 14:40 flight of KLM Royal Dutch Airlines. The photo above shows Delft Blue miniature traditional Dutch houses, which are gifts to world business class passengers on KLM. The chimney at the rear of each house has a cap. This is because each house contains Dutch gin (also know as Jenever or Genever) inside. On the forward flight, a Dutch flight attendant held out silently two miniature houses to my wife and me. I said to her, "What are these?" She handed me a little catalog, again without saying anything. So, I thought that she wanted to sell them to us and said, "No, thank you." Thus, we failed to get the gifts. During the tour, some members of our group told us that those were gifts, making me regret the failure of getting them.

On the backward flight, a Japanese attendant came to deliver the gifts. So, we told her that we had missed getting them on the forward flight. She kindly brought us two more for compensation. Each miniature house depicts a real Dutch house, and the name of the city where the corresponding real house is located is written in the catalog. Over the years, the miniature houses have become an attractive collectors' items. According to international rules, only gifts with a maximum of 75 cents could be given to passengers. However, these miniature houses are not gifts but servers of drinks (is it assumed that passengers bring them back without permission?). So, this does not seem to constitute a departure from rules. (You can find a description like this by clicking the button "About KLM houses" on one of the Web pages of KLM, Discover all our houses.)

Around 8:50, April 25, we arrived safely at Kansai International Airport. Coming back home, we found that, in our yard, spring flowers were in full bloom much like, or much more densely than*, in the "Floriade 2012," the visit to which was the main event of this tour. I said, "Our home is holding Floriade, too!" and laughed together with my wife (see photos below). (Here, I chose the photos taken at the best time of each flower. So, the dates of shot range from the day of our coming back to the five days later, i.e., April 30. Past years, I posted one to four pieces of pictures of these flowers as each of them blooms. This year, however, I post these photos at once belatedly by almost four months. These are not photos taken during the trip but are included here from the thought that photos representing the sense of relief caused by our safe coming back and the sound presence of our home during our absence would also belong to photos related to the tour.)

* The site of the Floriade was quite large. So, we did not feel that it was full of flowers everywhere.


Initially I thought to write about this tour only briefly. Wile writing, however, I wanted to use as many photos as possible among those taken during the tour. As a result, this series has grown to consist of as many as 53 posts. I would like to thank to those who read through this series and those who wrote kind comments.


2 件のコメント:

  1. 凄いもんをゲットされたんですね!

  2. KLM のウェブサイトではミニチュア・ハウスについて、"… we present … with a unique gift." とも述べており、国際規則違反の疑いもありますが…。
