

ブッソウゲ (Chinese Hibiscus)

 ブッソウゲ(仏桑花、アオイ科)。ハイビスカスともいう。2012年9月4日、わが家の庭で撮影。植木鉢で育てているこの植物は、昨年は 8 月上旬に二輪の花を咲かせた。今年は咲かないのかと思っていたところ、かなり遅れて一輪咲き、もう一輪ツボミがある。

Chinese hibiscus, also known as China rose and shoe flower; botanical name, Hibiscus rosa-sinensis; family, Malvaceae. The photo was taken in our yard on September 4, 2012. We grow this plant in a pot, and it had two flowers early last August. This year, it seemed that we would not see its flower. However, one flower bloomed rather belatedly, and there is another bud now.

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