

ヒイラギモクセイ (Fortune's Sweet Olive)


 『ウィキペディア』のモクセイのページ中のギンモクセイの説明には「縁にはあらい細鋸歯があるが、鋸歯がなく全縁[引用者注:葉の縁が滑らかで、ぎざぎざのないこと]の場合もある」とある。他方、ヒイラギモクセイのページには「縁には刺状の鋸歯が 8〜10 対ある」とある。したがって、葉に鋸歯があることを見ただけでは、どちらであるかがはっきりしない。しかし、後者の説明に「生垣などによく利用されている」とあるので、ヒイラギモクセイに軍配を上げることにした。


I took the above photo yesterday at one of similar hedges that are lined at the back of several single-family homes, which in turn stand along the northern side of Suzunomiya housing complex, Sakai. Last year, I also took a photo at the same place and posted it by the name of Osmanthus fragrans Lour. Recently, I learned about a similar species, fortune's sweet olive (Osmanthus x fortunei), from a photo posted by a friend of mine at the Facebook.

The description about Osmanthus fragrans Lour on the Wikipedia page (Japanese edition) of Osmanthus fragrans includes a sentence like this: Edges of leaves either have sharp serration with wide spaces or have no serration. On the other hand, the Wikipedia page (Japanese edition) of fortune's sweet olive sates that edges of leaves have from eight to ten pairs of spiny serration. So, we cannot identify the plant in the photo as one of these by the appearance of leaves. However, the description in the latter page that this plant is often used as a hedge makes me prefer to use the title "Fortune's sweet olive" here.

By the way, the number of blossoms I saw at the hedges described at the beginning of this post was considerably small this year. The reason for this seems to be the fact that pruning of the trees of the hedges were probably made relatively late, i.e., near the end of summer.

2 件のコメント:

  1. お早うございます!


  2. ほっこりしていただけて幸いです。インターネット上の写真だけでなく、周囲の実物の植物からもほっこりして下さい。
