

冬に笑う (Laughing in Winter)

 写真は、12 月 13 日と 14 日にウォーキング途中で撮影したサザンカの花。わが家の庭にも一本のサザンカの木があるが、上部が枯れて、今年は花を咲かせない。


The photos above were taken on my way of walking exercise on December 13 and 14, and show flowers of the Christmas camellia. In our yard, there is also a tree of the Christmas camellia, but its upper branches withered, not blooming this year.

The Liberal Democratic Party of Japan won in the Lower House elections yesterday, and they may be laughing. I regard this as the arrival of winter in politics and cannot but cynically laughing their terrible draft to amend the constitution, which has been made without any reflection of the dark days of war and runs extremely counter to the history.

日本語で読んでいる方へのお知らせ (Notice for readers in Japanese) 最近の私の政治や平和に関するブログ記事は、おおむね『福泉・鳳地域「憲法9条の会」』の方で書いています。

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