

写真の個展を見に行く (Solo-Exhibition of Photos)

 上掲の案内ハガキを貰っていたので、初日のきょうの午後、妻と見に出かけた。場所は、わが家の近くのバス停から「光明池駅行き」という、早口言葉まがいのバスで終点まで行き、10分足らず歩いたところの、「文化喫茶 結(ゆい)」と称する喫茶店である。この店は、こちらにも紹介されているように、定年退職した夫妻が、人びとの結びつきの場、そしてまた、高齢化しつつある泉北ニュータウンの憩いの場にと、2006 年に開店し、コンサート、講演会、寄席、展覧会など地域の人が気軽に参加できるいろいろなイベントを開催しているところである。

 写真展は無料だが、コーヒーまたは紅茶(300 円)を注文する必要がある。今回の写真展「四季の情景」の出品者・上田孝さんは、私が地域9条の会で、署名・宣伝行動を共にしている仲間の一人である。春から冬までの各季節に応じた花や生き物や風景の美しい写真が 12 枚あり、繰り返し見て見飽きなかった。異色だったのは、ビルの解体工事場の休日の風景。内部がむき出しになった建物の手前に、コンクリート壁のかけらが多数、あらわになった鉄筋にぶら下がっている。工事期間中の仮の真っ白な塀が写真の下部を横に走っていて、その前を行く二つの小さい人影が美しさをかもし出している。


I got an invitation card for a solo-exhibition of photos as shown above. So, my wife and I went to see it in the afternoon of yesterday, i.e., on the first day of the exhibition. The place of the exhibition is a coffee shop called "Culture Coffee Shop Yui." The shop is less than ten minutes' walk from Komyoike Station of Semboku Kosoku Line (the bus destined to this station is called "Komyoike'eki-yuki" in Japanese, a word like a tongue twister). An elderly couple opened the shop in 2006 to make it a place of communication as well as a place of rest in Semboku New Town, where the average age of people were becoming pretty high. There they hold various events such as concerts, lectures, vaudeville, and exhibitions, all of which local people can feel free to join.

The photo exhibition is free of charge, but you need to order a cup of coffee or tea (¥300). The presenter, Mr. Takashi Ueda, of the exhibition of this time, "Scenes of Four Seasons," is one of my comrades for the activity of local Article 9 association. There were twelve pieces of work showing flowers, creatures and landscapes, each typically showing one of four seasons, and I did not get tired to see them repeatedly. One unique photo shows a view, on a holiday, of the demolition site of a building. In front of the building that exposes its interior, many fragments of walls are hanging on steel wires that reinforced concrete walls. A white temporary fence to be used during the demolition work runs from left to right near the bottom of the picture, and two persons going along the fence are seen like little dolls, effectively giving beauty to the work.

Three photos below show the scenery around the way that we took in returning to Komyoike Station. The road is along Shin-Hino'o Park, and made us feel relaxed, similarly to the photo exhibition we had just seen.

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