

ウォーキング途中の不思議 (Wonder Spot on My Way of Walking Exercise)


 ところが先月の初め、その家の屋根の右端に十字架のあることに、ふと気づいた(英文の下の一枚目の写真)。しゃれた民家だと思っていたが、実は教会だったのである。どうしてそれまで十字架に気づかなかったのか不思議なようだが、上の一、二枚目の写真から分るように、横断歩道標識や電柱や木の枝の陰になっている場合が多かったのである。近くから、もっと教会らしい姿を撮影しようと思ったが、太い電線が何本も邪魔していて、それらを避けると、一番下の写真のような姿しか撮れなかった。(写真は 2013 年 1 月 4、11、13 日に撮影。)


In one of the courses of my walking exercise, there is a place where I see a house with the bluish green roof. There, I usually turn to the right (see the road at the right of the first photo above) without going to the vicinity of that house. Once or twice, I took the road that went to the front of the house and turned slowly to the right, but did not pay much attention to the house (the second photo above was taken a little ahead of the sidewalk seen at the right of the first photo).

However, at the beginning of last month, I happened to notice that there was a cross at the right end of the roof of the house (see the first picture below). What I thought to be a modern residence was actually a church. It may be a little puzzling why I was unaware of the cross for a long time, but the above two photos clearly shows the reason for this. The cross was mostly hidden from view by a crosswalk sign, utility poles or branches of trees. I wanted to take a photo of the church in its proper appearance at its vicinity, but thick electric wires prevented me from getting a satisfying shot. The best one I took is given at the bottom of this post. (The photos were taken on January 4, 11 and 13, 2013.)

We should be aware of fraudulent crosses hidden behind the road sign such as this: "We will restore gentle, strong and respectable Japan," namely, the dreadfulness of the ridiculously anachronistic draft amendment to the constitution made by the political party that holds the above words in its manifesto.

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